Example sentences of "and [that] they would " in BNC.

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1 He hoped that the markets would see that he had tied sterling to the Deutschmark and that they would realise that this meant a commitment to achieving German-style price stability .
2 But experts warned computer users that Friday 13th viruses are only a tiny proportion of the 30 or so known types of virus which exist , and that they would be wise to keep taking precautions .
3 The Admiralty were also well aware that the Air Council would oppose a naval bid for Polaris , and that they would have most of Whitehall on their side .
4 However , it soon became clear that fewer than 30 defectors would be available and that they would demand an unacceptable political price .
5 In private , they said it was a warning that they stood four-square behind their chief , and that they would not accept behind-the-scenes pressure on him to resign .
6 AS OUR ship 's company — some 50 passengers and the same number of crew — assembled on the dockside , there were wry remarks that nothing else was like our old tub and that they would sail the Nile in none other .
7 However , an elderly man assured the expedition of the tribe 's ‘ warmest attachment and that they would always give them every assistance in their power ; that they were poor but their hearts were good ’ .
8 After meeting them , Nez Perce headmen including Lawyer and Timothy dispatched a delegation to St Louis in late summer 1831 to answer claims that ‘ the white man 's religion was better than theirs , and that they would all be lost if they did not embrace it ’ ( Catlin ) .
9 This leads on to the third scenario , that decisions would be taken in economic and other fields at Community level , and that they would be submitted to the scrutiny of the European Parliament .
10 Much of the anxiety among Members , particularly the opponents of televising , arose from fears that the broadcasters would not preserve a proper balance in their selection of matter to be covered and that they would , in their desire to present newsworthy stories , distort the public presentation of the House .
11 In July , when Nationalists protested at the failure of the corporation to appoint Nationalists to committee chairs , the mayor pointed out that fifteen or sixteen years ago the Nationalists had said that they would refuse to take such chairs and that they would only take part in corporation affairs in order to disrupt them .
12 Even members of the Commission who , like myself , were not members of the Labour party , hoped that their social exclusiveness could be softened , and that they would follow the lines of development then visible in Oxford and Cambridge .
13 He also found that moulding the right shape was more important than pecking up loose stuff , and that they would mould in a bean bag as well as in straw .
14 I have been to funerals in Baldersdale where bereaved people have shown supreme faith , being convinced that death is only a temporary thing and that they would meet up with their loved ones again .
15 He agreed the figures were wrong and that they would be amended .
16 Ruth guessed that the seating arrangements were for the benefit of whoever might be watching their departure , and that they would not prevail .
17 This caused the peasantry to revolt in the belief they were being robbed of 11 days wages and that they would die that much sooner .
18 It was argued on behalf of the shareholders that the Directive was intended to protect all investors and that they would be prejudiced if they were not notified in advance of the intended cancellation of Titaghur 's public listing .
19 Ask the Lord to bless and encourage them at this time and that they would not suffer from ill health .
20 Pray for all those training for the mission field at the Glasgow Bible College or the Scottish Baptist College , that they would be anointed for their task and that they would not lose their first love of Jesus Himself as they study scriptures .
21 He said that he had his boss with him and that they would not wait longer than eight .
22 For on the tenth day he sent forward another deputation under the flag of truce to declare that he knew well of the shortages in the beleaguered town and that they would soon be in desperate straits .
23 Then he realized that any such news would be about ‘ Ben MacLean ’ and that they would not connect it with him .
24 Some still retained private property as is evidenced by the fact that they met in private houses and that they would sell their assets if people were seen to be in need .
25 Just shared relief that their relatives in Iran would be left in peace and that they would be allowed to resume their studies .
26 Jackson said : ‘ I told Nigel he was too thin to play rugby and that they would break him in half . ’
27 ‘ Let us worry about that , ’ said the Captain , who knew exactly what would happen if nobody paid and that they would in all likelihood never find the body .
28 He foresaw no problem in having them returned to Bremen , and that they would not be the subject of discussion at future sessions of the Russian-German Commission for the return of art treasures .
29 On March 2nd 1872 , a letter came from the Mayor saying that the Corporation 's building would be ready in a few days and that they would be willing to receive patients under ‘ such arrangements as may be deemed best adapted to check the progress of the epidemic ’ .
30 They declared that they would never again go willingly to war without clear political aims ; that when they did go to war for such aims , they would do so with overwhelming force ; and that they would discover , in advance , how they were supposed to get out of a job once they had started it .
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