Example sentences of "and [that] they [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He mentions ‘ the odd brawl and punch-up ’ , for example , the fact that policemen only went in pairs in some districts , and that they patrolled the centre of the city in strength each weekend ‘ because prostitutes and drunks frequently started fights and a good time was had by all ’ .
2 And that they registered similar changes when other creatures — insects , spiders and so on — suffered pain in their presence .
3 Some historians have argued that nationalism was the outgrowth of the desire by élites to gain economic and political power , and that they manipulated indigenous symbols to this end .
4 ‘ He said that Arabs were savages and that they ate nothing but camel dung . ’
5 Anne Pennick in an essay on the tunnels of Glastonbury claims that larger tunnels follow ley lines ( originally straight alignments of assorted ancient historic sites , now credited to be on lines of mystic energy ) , and that they reflect the ‘ mystery and sanctity attaching to places of paramount geomantic importance in the topographical interrelation of religious sites ’ .
6 The centre responds to requests for productions from groups in and around Bangalore with the understanding that they are used for the purposes of education and social development and that they reflect the principles of Christian communication .
7 But inasmuch as these two chapters show that routine policing exists in the province , they are useful as a corrective to the folk model of policing in Northern Ireland , which assumes that all policing is related to the troubles ; that police officers have been brutalized as a result of their baton guns , face masks , and riot shields ; and that they know or prefer no other mode of police work .
8 If anyone feels they 've missed out on the award and that they know someone they fell ought to have been nominated , then they should do so next year .
9 That loved my friend ; and that they know full well
10 it 's like party balloons , she 's got like water balloons I mean , with water and , they was , I had them in this box mucking about , I was trying take something out , and then like we dropped a water balloon in their bathroom and erm , we started having water fight , and that they filled them up and go into the balloons and then you go and tie it up
11 So , a possible explanation of the unions ' behaviour is that they judged a Labour victory uncertain , if not unlikely ; that they preferred to make hay while the setting Labour sun still shone ; and that they felt secure against whatever weather a Conservative dawn might bring .
12 In the second appeal the committee said that the decision had been made in the light of the admission criteria and that they felt ‘ unable ’ to override section 6(3) ( a ) .
13 The words ‘ prevent ’ and ‘ independently ’ convey clearly to my mind that the prosecuting authorities regarded themselves as inhibited for all practical purposes from making use of material disclosed in consequence of the court order and that they felt free to pursue their own inquiries and to use material thereby discovered .
14 Er and in both cases it was er a feeling of insecurity , and that they felt they would be more secure going to a different part of the organization .
15 I assured Mr. that we in Spokes would find the funding for the project , and that indeed the Edinburgh Green Belt Trust had been approached , and that they felt the project was one they would be willing to support .
16 Er er and that they sit two hours doing e and exam you know for somebody who can watch at all .
17 Although we have not seen the report we have had encouraging indication that in some of the key areas BZW 's views and recommendations are broadly consistent with the views we have submitted to DTI and that they support the next steps we are taking .
18 It is known that the Lombard King Alboin brought his army and then his people on to the plain in 568 , and that they met with little resistance as the Goths had almost vacated the area by that time .
19 He took particular care of young players , seeing that they were well-fed and well-lodged and that they sent some money home to their parents each week .
20 And that they stay here alone — or with their own partners .
21 Against this , Ryan advanced the humanistic belief that the major canonical texts are not inherently reactionary , and that they contain implicit images and models of human freedom which transcend their immediate historical context and which later readers can respond to .
22 Before a module is accepted by LIFESPAN , its header is checked to ensure that all its constituent keywords are present and that they contain at least the minimum amount of information required .
23 Frederick did not care to see that these ambitions could only be satisfied at Poland 's expense and that they threatened Poland 's existence .
24 The ANC said that the Commission 's revelations confirmed that the state had conducted a " vicious campaign of misinformation and propaganda " against the organization since its unbanning in February 1990 , and that they added weight to the widely held belief in the existence of a " third force " of agents provocateurs linked to the SADF which was engendering township violence .
25 Sometimes the king allowed subjects to take deer for themselves in his forests ; the warden 's duty was to see to it that they had a proper writ of warranty when they came to his forest , that they did not take more than the specified number , and that they took them in the prescribed manner .
26 and that they took more erm more emphasis on the way their lives developed
27 And it was known that they ate well and that they patronised the theatre , and the concerts in the City Hall in Newcastle .
28 Complaint was frequently made that excessive numbers of underforesters were appointed , and that they levied oppressive exactions to maintain themselves and the grooms or pages by whom they were accompanied .
29 Almost as many shattered the popular misconception that women prefer a cosy cuddle to the sexual act , and that they prefer their husbands or partners to initiate/take charge of their sex lives .
30 It was widely suspected that the Tucayana had links with the military and had been involved with anti-insurgency operations against the Jungle Commandos and that they feared the establishment of a police force for the interior composed mainly of former Jungle Commando members .
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