Example sentences of "and [vb -s] [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 There were the names of all the venomous creatures in North and West Africa to be listed and the manufacturers of antiserums for their bites and stings to be contacted .
2 However , he says , ‘ our own society — at least the academic sub-society within it [ a significant qualification in view of the current argument ] — sets great store by what it calls , and thinks to be , objectivity and has certain standards of dispassionate , scientific investigation , to which at least lip service is paid and which may , of course , be distorted by unrecognised prejudice of one kind or another ’ ( ibid . ) .
3 Transfer this license together with the original and all the back-up copies of the Program , provided that the transferee completes and returns a REGISTRATION CARD to LD and agrees to be bound by the terms of this Agreement .
4 Printed on the back of the letter there will be forms enabling the allottee to renounce , and the person to whom they are ultimately renounced to confirm that he accepts the renunciation and agrees to be entered on the register .
5 Or we may be determined to catch a horse that does n't want to be caught ; and if we feel it strongly enough , the horse seems to feel our determination too , and suddenly stops running away from us and agrees to being haltered .
6 The quality of Ba or Bau was possessed by the king during his lifetime and refers to is power and renown .
7 The warmth and elegance of Davis 's style was made immediately apparent in the first movement of the Ireland Sonata No. 1 , with its engagingly lyrical main tune which almost sits up and begs to be liked .
8 It jumps out of the shop window , attacks your aesthetic sense and begs to be admired .
9 The Prince is genuinely modest about his artistic talent , perpetually apologizes for his amateurishness and longs to be more skilled ; and , as with most things , he finds he becomes much better with daily practice .
10 It may be important , therefore , to arrange for deferred consideration and earnouts to be payable mainly in shares and loan notes , always subject to the creditworthiness of the vendor , to enable capital gains tax liabilities to be held-over .
11 The challenge to one 's premisses and assumptions will be made and has to be faced , though one might prefer to reply in terms of ‘ principles ’ rather than of ‘ theory ’ .
12 It costs about £600 a treatment and has to be done every two weeks .
13 The Territorial Army now constitutes a vital element of the British Army and has to be supported in the same way as the Regular Army .
14 If the growth of debt continues to slow , either because banks grow more cautious or because borrowed money can not be paid back and has to be written off , this will send share prices lower .
15 The best on road type is the XC type 4 as fitted on 110 vehicles , for more off road use the XCL offers good on and off road manners but is a directional tread pattern and has to be fitted the correct way round .
16 This is a pregnancy where the placenta instead of feeding the fertilised egg ( or later the foetus when it is a partial mole ) feeds itself and grows all out of proportion and has to be removed .
17 The treatment for both problems is expensive , and has to be repeated constantly , thus rendering the initial investment in drainage quite worthless in some cases , and at other times leading to a downgrading of the agricultural classification of the land .
18 Like his [ sic ] colleagues in most developing countries , he is , to say the least , unprepared and unwilling to serve in rural areas and has to be forced to do so although he is fully aware that rural areas and people are most undeveloped and disadvantaged because of lack of human , material and financial resources ....
19 A Marxist analysis of crime is not easily explainable , and has to be understood in relation to wider aspects of Marxist theory .
20 It is , therefore , complex and individual and has to be cultivated .
21 We all find ourselves in a situation at some time where we have to carry a very heavy suitcase , or where a parcel has been delivered and has to be lifted into the house .
22 He admits that it may be possible to use reason to a limited extent , but he insists that ultimately the existence of God defies all proof and has to be based on faith which transcends reason ..
23 Management may be prepared to pay this higher cost when labour is scarce and has to be attracted from alternative employment , or when a union is making strong demands for a higher quality of working life .
24 The challenge will be set on 7 December and has to be carried out by 22 December .
25 That most important item , the Pastor 's Letter , is also the most up to date ( ie it always misses the deadline and has to be delivered by hand ) .
26 This is unfair criticism — Gooch produces a mass of indicative , albeit necessarily speculative , evidence in favour of his hypothesis — but nevertheless it is true that our knowledge of the past is and has to be based on the artefacts surviving from that past : lacking the artefacts , all we can do is make an educated deduction .
27 Yet the powerful effect of these hidden forces can not be denied , and has to be taken into account in assessment .
28 While such a statement has concern for a woman in her cultural context in India , to use it as a means of evoking emotive reaction to persuade people to give money in this country is to perpetuate the idea that a woman is not an independent human being and has to be sustained by a man , and that men only want ‘ pure , untouched , unviolated ’ women .
29 CFS work for the parent company is costed as though it were an outside contractor and has to be competitive .
30 The RC15K row counter is not included with the electronic KnitRadar either and has to be bought separately .
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