Example sentences of "and [vb -s] from [art] " in BNC.

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1 For the rest of the war Youth Allyah depended on its own brave attempts at self-sufficiency and , when these failed , on charitable appeals and grants from the RCM .
2 There are now several benefits — family credit , free school meals , housing benefit and grants from the Social Fund , for example — that can help families in financial need , but the processes of application and appeal for these are complex enough to warrant the assistance of social workers in many instances .
3 It too will have extra time and kicks from the penalty spot if necessary .
4 I had nightmares about scrums and tackles from a very early age and refused to play as a linesman , in case I got involved in violence .
5 Usually they cleared underbrush and weeds from the rubber groves from one o'clock until sunset , but the new quotas ordered by Duclos that morning meant they had to tap and collect from more than a hundred extra trees through the hot afternoon although their energies were largely spent .
6 Crawford returned to repertory work to be there for the first three months , appearing alongside stars such as Leo McKern , who had turned down two films and offers from the National Theatre and the Royal Shakespeare Company to go to Nottingham , and classical actor John Neville , who had just starred in Alfie on the London stage and was giving up 200-a-week West End rates for the 20 to 50 Playhouse level .
7 It is 355mm long and fits from the back to the front of a wardrobe , extending forward a further 210mm .
8 It 's worth recording that alongside NRA 's regular monitoring of ICI 's ‘ consent ’ discharges , ICI itself carries out nearly two thousand analyses each month on contents from its outfalls and drains from the three Teesside production sites .
9 However , four goals in the last 23 minutes quietened the boos and whistles from a crowd which arrived with great expectations and feared they would go home asking for more , much more .
10 There were shouts and jeers from every part of the huge auditorium .
11 As Constance picked her way heavily across the mine-field of the Minuet in G , her faltering efforts were greeted with screams and jeers from the birds who would not be silenced even when Miss Hatherby threw an enormous dust sheet over their cage .
12 The right side gets busy too soon and turns from the top of the backswing .
13 Similarly , at Brough-on-Humber in his 1936 Report , Philip Corder had dated a group associated with a phase of reconstruc-tion to the Constantian revival , this time on the basis of two coins of Carausius and one of Tetricus II , and parallels from the Margidunum well .
14 Here , the lack of refinement in the drive train , the sudden jerks and snatches from the engine , combined unhappily with all the car 's other short-comings .
15 The big man had a word for everyone he met , and produced blushes and laughs from the serving maids in equal quantities .
16 Many illustrations described as woodcuts are not , strictly speaking , woodcuts at all since , from about 1830 , it became common to make stereotypes and electrotypes from the original wood blocks , which would stand up to only comparatively small editions .
17 This is to be found to the west of the town and starts from a point on the A.16 .
18 The walk lasts for three hours and starts from the car park of Middleton Hall , two miles south of Wooler ( ) .
19 The walk follows the course of the River Tweed and starts from the bus stop opposite the Royal Bank of Scotland in Newton St Boswells .
20 This was worse , with impossible moves on gritty walls and creaks and trickles from the cliffs of ice .
21 In this view he is completely at odds with Chomsky ( 1965:31 ) , who assumes that actual language is ‘ degenerate ’ and deviates from the rules of grammar .
22 Defining what the user expects and wants from a service however is complicated by the fact that perceptions change over time , according to where people are in relation to the system .
23 So too does his sometime-sidekick on this journey : a ‘ Soverican ’ jazz drummer-cum-taxidriver named Sasha Zim who is besotted with the unhinged madness of New York and proclaims from the outset that ‘ Broadway is mother of all Broadways all over the world , mother of lights of Picadilly Circus and of Place Pigalle and Teatralny Ploschtchad .
24 Such a performance deserves recognition and that is exactly what the Tennis World fan club service offers to Michael 's fans … detailed , statistical information and quotes from the tournaments .
25 Happy as a Sandbag , A musical review of the 1940s , which opens tonight , features songs , dances and acts from the Second World War .
26 The A.87 climbs to the brow of a hill , passing the dam of the Loyne reservoir , and reveals from the roadside a full-length view of Glen Loyne and the splendid mountains grouped around its upper reaches .
27 It also eats grass and benefits from a regular supply of green vegetables in its diet .
28 A forward-looking society places an equal value on the contribution of all its citizens — and benefits from the participation of all .
29 Pensions and benefits from the state
30 ″ ) is light , stiff and benefits from the straight throat beam ( STB ) design which helps to prevent the racket twisting after off centre hits .
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