Example sentences of "and [was/were] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 She and her husband Louis , a garage owner , had bought the upper floor from a Jewish family and were bringing up their four children there .
2 ‘ When his sheep ate some clover the other day , and were swollen just like these , he sent for Gabriel at once , and Gabriel saved their lives . ’
3 ‘ After a while we turned into a field , thick with mud , and were marched up to some firm-buildings .
4 The wounded who seemed to have a chance of recovery were left on the jeeps and were sped off down through the village to the dressing stations on the other side of the River Orne .
5 One of the sacks was ripped from his arms as he struggled yet again with the hall-door , and the soft tufts of plucked wool , black and brown and light brown and milky , flowered into the air like a dandelion clock and were blown away just as quickly .
6 M. Dupont had not once looked over in Mr Lewis 's direction during the course of this speech , and indeed , once the company had toasted his lordship and were seated again , all those present seemed to be studiously avoiding looking towards the American gentleman .
7 In some areas fundholders had formed liaison groups and were meeting regularly to share experiences and develop their collective expertise .
8 The flaps stood up on either side of her ankle , and were laced together where they met in a stiff ridge over her foot .
9 The railway buildings at the hill stations , on the other hand , only expected a European clientele ( together with servants ) and were organized accordingly .
10 By 1637 the Church family , from whom the mill takes its name , were in residence and were to remain so until the early part of the 18th century .
11 Fife College of Technology , Glenrothes College and Lauder College have formed a consortium and were validated jointly to offer the HNC in Management .
12 As the sun went down over the trees , everyone in the squadron had enjoyed a hard day 's military training and , after a good dinner and some well-deserved beers , they were very happy and were looking forward to the challenges of the next day .
13 They had retired from work within a year of each other and were looking forward to spending time together doing many of the things that bringing up children and working had so far prevented .
14 ‘ We thought all our problems were behind us and were looking forward to a new life .
15 Long before they had passed the watershed and were looking over into the jaws of the mountains at the head of Loch Morar , young Angus felt he had strayed into a foreign country .
16 But it was very premature , and I 'm very I was very sorry that they 'd taken this step , but very , very pleased when I saw the result coming out , and I 'm do congratulate them on their common sense there that they were prepared to put the opting out aside and were looking seriously and sensibly into the tertiary college consultations .
17 We arrived in Swansea locks at about 1800 , and were locking through in company with a small Channel Island registered coaster when a local officer passed a message down to us .
18 Paley begins Natural Theology with a famous passage : In crossing a heath , suppose I pitched my foot against a stone , and were asked how the stone came to be there ; I might possibly answer , that , for anything I knew to the contrary , it had lain there for ever : nor would it perhaps be very easy to show the absurdity of this answer .
19 Then all items received a good spraying with the Waxoyl/white spirit solution , and were touched up with Ensis fluid if there was any sign of troublesome ferrous metals within .
20 As that great hollow voice sounded , dogs began barking in a nearby village , and were answered more distantly by wolves up in the hills .
21 Although the gliders were left facing at right angles to the wind and were weighted down with tyres in the approved manner , when the first strong thermal went off nearby the wind would become gusty and change direction completely .
22 Swiftly they drove south and were stopped only after desperate fighting round the Griffon Gate .
23 A knot of dark-suited Garrick members had gathered in the hall and were muttering anxiously .
24 A decision was taken to use bus technology in producing a body to be mounted on the trucks that had already been designed by the Department and were operating successfully .
25 Arias became more important , more numerous , and were given more often to important personages ; conversely , recitative became more perfunctory , the secco element more pronounced .
26 It started in the Autumn of eighty-eight , when Phil approached me and said , ‘ Look , we would like to consider putting our services that we do offer to finance in a more effective way ’ , running alongside that was a project being run by Oxfordshire Health Authority where they were sending postal surveys to elderly people ; people over the age of seventy erm sixty-five at one point , and were getting back a huge amount of information on their perceived needs .
27 We felt very sorry for both young people , for they were genuinely trying to find work and were getting very dispirited .
28 At Junction , on the Lemhi River , the Nez Perce found the settlements fortified , and were warned off by Chief Tenday of the Lemhi Shoshoni .
29 They were extremely impressed by what he said and were buoyed up by his message that the Government are determined to ensure that the proposals on reform of the common agricultural policy are strongly resisted because they are not in the interests of Scotland 's farmers .
30 There was no [ overt ] Dionysiac worship among the Greeks at this time ; and though they must have known of the near-Eastern festivals , the savage excesses of those cults were totally alien to them , at least on a conscious level , and were rejected uncompromisingly .
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