Example sentences of "and [vb mod] never [be] " in BNC.

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1 Whilst non-equity shares have a particular legal status which justifies their inclusion in shareholders ' funds , this does not justify reporting within shareholders ' funds an instrument which does not have that status and may never be converted into one that does .
2 Ronnie , a paranoid schizophrenic , is held in Broadmoor and may never be released .
3 The benefits of health services are not well quantified and may never be quantified , particularly in the face of scientific , technological , and organisational change .
4 ‘ I thank you , Mr Aycliffe , but I have no intention of wasting money which is not my own and may never be so . ’
5 Now it 's uncertain as to when or if Robin Pask will stand trial , The judge Mr Justice Swinton-Thomas ordered that Pask be admitted to a hospital under the mental health Act , but Leeds Crown Court heard that he was obsessed with thoughts of suicide and may never be well enough to return to the dock .
6 Unlike Persian rugs , where the name of the weaving group is an indication , if not a guarantee , of a certain quality , the " Persian " names used by Indian weavers are totally useless as pointers tot he quality of an individual item ; they refer only to the design , and must never be taken as indicating that the rug also emulates the quality and structural characteristics of the original .
7 Their role within the sport is , however , acknowledged as a vital one and must never be forgotten .
8 The Politburo , reviewing the talks , described them as a ‘ major political event ’ and thought particularly significant the two leaders ' declaration that a nuclear war could not be won and must never be fought ; this was at odds with the views of some influential US ( and Soviet ) strategists .
9 The mother of five 's family doctor had told Hope Hospital , in Manchester , that she was extremely allergic to codeine and must NEVER be given the painkiller .
10 Equally temperatures should not be too low and should never be allowed to fall to , or below , freezing otherwise products may be ruined .
11 But some secrets are not good and should never be kept .
12 However , a few essential oils are very strong and should never be used by anyone in concentrations above 1 to 1 ½ per cent ( see page 126 ) .
13 The owners believe that the buildings are for business and should never be used for recreational purposes , ignoring the enormous publicity that would be generated .
14 On this harness the karabiner attachment on the crutch strap is dangerously low and should never be used alone .
15 This conclusion should not be seen to reflect callous indifference to individuals who have suffered miserably or fatally at the hands of persons committing ‘ conventional ’ crimes ; their agony is real and should never be ignored .
16 Indeed , it is a friendly giant , accepting geriatrics and infants with open arms , but it demands to be treated with respect and should never be under-estimated .
17 Tubifex should be fed sparingly and only about once a month and should never be given to fish fry or young fish .
18 Mathematics is not just about developing facility for number : it is essentially a subject which has links with all other curriculum areas and should never be taught in isolation .
19 For the Right Rev. Richard Harries , Bishop of Oxford ( above ) , the Church of England is not a business and should never be treated as such .
20 We 're not in any way condoning chain letters — they 're silly , irresponsible and should never be taken seriously .
21 Although these items are technically hand-made , they are not hand-knotted , and should never be sold as genuine hand-knotted , oriental rugs .
22 Mains-voltage cable should not be run on the surface of the ground and should never be attached to fences — as these can be easily blown down .
23 People from this country are suffering the embarrassment of it all and that is why the primary responsibility lies here and should never be shirked .
24 In all cases , financial statements are representations of the entity and its management and should never be considered those of the firm .
25 Whereas Sartre 's totality was never totalized because it was always still in process and could never be closed , Althusser 's totality is never totalizable because it is decentred and displaced in time .
26 Militant feminists pointed out that sexual antagonism lay at the heart of the suffrage struggle and could never be resolved within the discourse of political liberalism .
27 What was more disturbing , and could never be truly exorcised , was the way a whole history of friendship , a lifetime of amity , could be nullified in a moment .
28 Before they even touched he knew it had been wrong to come , he knew he had reopened a wound that would never heal and could never be soothed by consummation , unless the war should end soon and they should both survive .
29 She curved in all the right places and could never be anything but feminine .
30 He went on to say that if I did not return I would be making myself voluntarily homeless and would never be re-housed .
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