Example sentences of "and [vb mod] [be] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Crippled by frostbite he struggled into a blizzard with the infamous words : ’ I 'm just going outside and may be some time ’ .
2 all succeeding blocks of colour will be in multiples of two rows and may be any length in theory .
3 The dimension measured is called the variate and may be any physical quantity .
4 The dimension measured is called the variate and may be any physical quantity .
5 The aim was to improve on the situation inbuilt in manual systems whereby information is sampled at intervals and may be several weeks out of date by the time it has been assembled .
6 350 , and may be another which underwent a change in ownership .
7 However , unlike the other offences under the Act , the violence must be directed against the person and must be more than mere threatening words .
8 ( The dynamical friction time varies inversely with the galaxy mass and must be less than the cosmological time . )
9 They would report to the Home Secretary and could be former armed forces officers , diplomats , academics , or even trade union officials .
10 It now believes consumer prices will rise by 6.5 per cent in 1990 but growth will be 1.3 per cent , and could be less than 1 per cent excluding North Sea oil .
11 degree of supervision would vary with qualification and ability of surveyor and would be such degree of supervision as would be commensurate with good surveying practice .
12 It would be a less beautiful route than the one I had taken earlier , but it was shorter and would be less of a haul .
13 To introduce such a law in Britain would be ridiculous and would be another part of our personal freedom taken away .
14 That translates into about a dozen seats in parliament and would be enough to cost the government its overall majority .
15 Mum and Dad are staunch Pentecostal church-goers , and will be all their lives .
16 There is no way up that does not call for sustained effort , and while a thin track is forming from a cairn on the roadside and will be some help when well trodden , Liathach will never be an easy climb .
17 It is free-format text , and can be any number of lines long .
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