Example sentences of "and [vb mod] [be] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Contributions are flexible , may be paid in any freely-convertible currency and may be salary related .
2 This story seems garbled and may be nonsense , but the coincidence between King Haldanus and the Haldenne princeps regis of the Canterbury material remains ; possibly Cnut did have a relative or associate of this name , for the fact that his sister Santslaue occurs only in the Liber Vitae of New Minster Winchester indicates that his kin could have extended further than the threadbare sources reveal .
3 For some , politics and political thought and action can be an important element within their ‘ grand ’ world view , and may be part of their religious or humanist convictions .
4 spots around nose and mouth ( but ‘ glue sniffers ’ rash only occurs with some glues , it is n't common , and may be acne )
5 Comprehension of stem cell biology of specific tissues has aided development of the above methods and may be approporiate for development of similar techniques , for the small bowel .
6 They can not suck from a mare and must be bottle fed if they still posses a suck reflex or by stomach tube if they can not suckle .
7 This determines the position for horizontal sections and must be dome at the top and bottom of the stairs .
8 The fault 's western side is moving inexorably northward at a rate of five cm a year and should be part of Alaska in about 50 million years .
9 A careful monitoring of clients ' background characteristics , experiences and longer-term situations is possible and should be part of every professional 's brief .
10 Cherwell argued to Churchill that what he termed plans for social betterment , among which was a full employment policy , were non-political and should be part of an agreed programme .
11 These are matters to be decided by the planning authority and , if necessary , the minister and should be subject only to judicial review .
12 He is well handicapped , loves the ground and should be spot on after chasing home stable companion Run For Free at Chepstow .
13 Probably the relation found by some authors with portal hypertension is an indirect one , and could be explaiend by the higher rate and degree of portal hypertension in patients with the most advanced liver disease who also have an impaired liver function .
14 If Gay came , she would be indoors a good deal , and would be company for Susan while Breeze the Breadwinner was out .
15 The President , who had to have a minimum of 15 years ' professional political experience , would chair Cabinet meetings and would be Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces .
16 Besides , opinion , even of the right-thinking variety , is neither homogeneous nor constant , and would be bigotry if it was .
17 16.1 No amendment or variation of this Agreement the schedules to this Agreement or any of the rights and obligations of the Parties hereunder shall be effective unless expressed in writing signed by all the Parties hereto and shall be subject where appropriate to the prior consent in writing of the Secretary of State .
18 The committee has also ruled that an emergency motion from the Southern region on the Crawley disp Crawley dispute is in order and will be emergency motion number one .
19 The committee has ruled that an emergency motion from the Midland and East Coast Region , pit review and closures , is in order and will be emergency motion number two .
20 The character table shows that the y axis also has b 2 symmetry , so this vibration will give a dipole change along y , and will be IR active ( i.e. give rise to a fundamental band in the IR spectrum ) .
21 HP and IBM are promising full peer-to-peer interoperability between their boxes and will be co-marketing .
22 Pattern recognition techniques that have most often been applied to script include spatial analysis methods ( where strokes are coded by a numbering system on a grid ) which are easy to implement but are only suitable for unconnected characters , and will be user dependent in order to keep the database of character codings small and accuracy high .
23 He finished second to Duke Of Monmouth in the Triumph Hurdle at Cheltenham in March , and will be spot on after finishing fifth on the Flat in the Leopardstown November Handicap .
24 Currently it runs on Solaris 1.0 and will be upgrade to 2.0 at the end of the year .
25 Social work help is vital in all community care services and can be part of the total treatment programme for the mentally disordered .
26 Of course , the various families of homoclinic orbits to the origin can not cross ( at any point in parameter space the two trajectories which tend in backward time to the origin are unique and can be part of at most one homoclinic orbit ) and the dotted lines representing homoclinic orbits to the points also can not cross ( for similar reasons ) .
27 The boneless turkey crown is packaged in 4kg sections and can be machine sliced .
28 Each users entries are kept separate from the others and can be password protected to prevent anyone else from peeking .
29 Cupboards and drawers used for storage should also be labelled and can be colour coded according to contents .
30 Fabrics produced from this fibre are fine , strong and hard-wearing can be washed frequently without the shape and size altering , and can be drip dried .
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