Example sentences of "and [subord] [ex0] [is] " in BNC.

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1 Cables are dangerous , and where there is more than one cable it is important to keep the glider straight and well clear of any other cable .
2 It is in snowy weather that owners of buildings roofed in this way most regret this form of construction because wind-blown powdery snow easily enters narrow chinks in the roof surface , and where there is no underslating felt ( as applies in most old constructions ) , the snow settles between the ceiling joists , later melting and saturating ceilings and other internal finishes .
3 Prosecution is thus reserved for the cases in which some unfair advantage has been taken of the girl , particularly where the girl is under 13 ( when lack of proper understanding is assumed ) , where the man is considerably older than the girl , where the man held some position of trust in relation to the girl , and where there is some element of deception involved .
4 There is a lively bar which extends outside under a portico , and where there is music 3 times a week , whilst the rooftop sun terrace is an ideal place to relax .
5 Such homes are also essential support services for families in which the mentally handicapped child or adult remains at home , and where there is the need for short-term respite from the constant supervision of the mentally handicapped person .
6 Therefore it is difficult to interpret such statistics as those of UNEP ( 1982 ) , as well as others which calculate rates of topsoil loss per km 2 , except perhaps in cases where the rate is extremely high and where there is other evidence of obvious changes in land use .
7 The numbers of teeth involved are often quite small , and where there is a major discrepancy between the digestion of the upper and lower teeth in columns 9 and 10 of Table 3.13 , reference to the actual numbers involved show them to be very small indeed , sometimes no more than one ( columns 7 and 8 ) .
8 This latter has occurred in the vicinity of Hessdalen in Norway , where several hundred photographs have now been taken of earth lights , and where there is a permanent monitoring post .
9 Second , where the land use is predominantly residential and where there is no through car traffic but much potential cycle movement , 'cycle streets ’ have been created ( Figure 6.25 ) .
10 They are ideal for repairs and smaller building jobs , and where there is n't the storage space to keep separate ingredients .
11 Consider a multicellular organism in which randomly chosen cells dedifferentiate and divide to produce germ cells until the organism has completely turned into gametes , and where there is therefore no distinction between soma and germ line .
12 Political life in America sometimes seems only to be about bargaining in one form or another : Bargaining skill is indispensable in a chief executive obliged to operate in a pluralist system of decision -making where power is diffused and decentralized , and where there is a multiplicity of significant power holders rather than just a few .
13 Perhaps , therefore , a distinction should be drawn between allowing oneself voluntarily , and where there is no danger to oneself , to be treated as a means to the satisfaction of someone else 's needs , and being treated as a means to the satisfaction of someone else 's desires .
14 In families where one child is the favourite , the balance of the relationships has gone — and where there is a favourite , there may also be a scapegoat .
15 This is an anti- inflationary attempt to regulate the economy in conditions of monopoly and where there is an absence of competition .
16 The new act clearly falls far short of the demand for freedom of information legislation with a presumption that all official information is in the public domain except where there are clearly defined reasons for restricting disclosure and where there is adequate monitoring to ensure that civil servants and politicians are committed to implementing the principles behind the legislation .
17 In effect an officer 's decision behaviour in marginal cases where his work may become visible to his supervisor and where there is no ‘ obvious ’ course of action comes to be dominated by a desire to minimize potential damage to his position in the agency .
18 Where there is darkness let me give light and where there is sadness let me give joy .
19 Others , while having a relationship with the company only in the capacity of member , might prefer the directors to take account of such issues as the environmental or social consequences of the company 's activities , and where there is a conflict , to modify the profit instinct accordingly .
20 A positive response comes from North-West Europe where relationships between clergy and organists seem to present few problems , and where there is a general improvement and growth in matters musical .
21 Books have a particular value for a culture which is badly under-educated and where there is enforced leisure .
22 And where there is a stable and well established relationship between buyer and supplier , it may be in the interest of both to allow the supplier to build up an accurate sales forecast .
23 Action means movement and where there is movement there must at least be a claim that it is movement in a particular direction .
24 Nicols , Winch and Hobart held that the action was well laid because it was alleged that there was a request before the endeavour was made and where there is such a precedent request , a subsequent assumpsit after the execution of the consideration is binding .
25 Fluorescence is said to occur where emission ceases almost immediately after withdrawal of the exciting source and where there is no thermal cause , whereas in phosphorescence the emission decays for some time after removal of excitation .
26 It is the Council 's policy to work towards the provision of a shelter at all bus stops in Lothian where passengers regularly board and where there is sufficient space at the roadside .
27 Although the number of conversions is not very high nationally , they play an increasingly important role in central and inner London where land and house prices are very high and where there is little scope for new private house building .
28 So I think I 'm asking for just a bit more , more talks and where there is a , a home or homes in a rural area that may be the only home in that area , so it is available to local people that Social Services come in and there in an understanding in planning authorities first and now the actual criteria we 're working on because most local people will think that home is for local people .
29 Example 1:1 Definitions clause for business lease ( 1 ) The following definitions apply : " Act " means an Act of Parliament whenever passed and a reference to a specific Act includes any legislation amending or replacing it or made under it " Approved " means approved in writing by the Landlord " Consent " means the Landlord 's written consent " Insured Risks " means the risks covered by the policy of insurance arranged by the Landlord to include ( subject to cover being available on reasonable terms ) loss or damage by fire storm tempest flood earthquake aircraft and articles dropped from them riot or civil commotion malicious damage impact bursting and overflowing of pipes tanks and other apparatus and any other risks insured against by the Landlord " Landlord " includes the successors in title of the original landlord and where there is a superior landlord includes him as well " Last Year " means the period of twelve months ending on the Termination of the Term " Legislation " means any regulation or directive of the European Community , any Act and any subordinate legislation made under or by virtue of them " Notice " means written notice " Tenant " includes the successors in title of the original tenant " Term " includes both the term expressly granted by this Lease and also any statutory continuation of it " Termination of the Term " includes termination by effluxion of time , notice , forfeiture , surrender , disclaimer or any other means ( 2 ) Where a party consists of two or more persons the obligations of that party are joint and several ( 3 ) Any covenant by the tenant not to do something includes a covenant not to permit or suffer that thing to be done ( 4 ) All payments to be made by the tenant are exclusive of VAT
30 The regulations preclude registration of money judgment made in daily proceedings , and administration orders , and where there is an order restricting enforcement made under ss 112 and 112A of the Act .
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