Example sentences of "and [v-ing] on [art] " in BNC.

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1 The Society is indebted to Ralph and Mrs Edwards , Mr and Mrs Vic Smith , Dr Grey , Mrs C. Evans , Mrs Newcombe , Mrs Wallace , Ron and Carol Mardle and members of the Lucas and Nottingham families , both for providing the food and helping on the day .
2 The author should imagine at his elbow a Querying Counsel criticising and cross-examining every phrase and sentence and pouncing on every lapse into " jungle " English or common jargon .
3 The mouse-pounce involves hiding , crouching , creeping forward , and then rushing and pouncing on an imaginary rodent , usually its mother 's twitching tail or a small object lying on the ground .
4 Katia is the more physically exuberant and mobile , darting and pouncing on the keyboard , while Marielle is all elegance and concentration .
5 Billy Wilder 's movie was a cynical , lacerating indictment of this hollow self-image , narrated by a corpse and centring on a vampish silent star who was thought long dead .
6 The study will also assess whether such rational management systems are presentational devices , as some critics claim , by assessing the extent to which management work and policing on the ground are directed at and by the rational management system .
7 V. P. Singh had also written a letter to Lal acknowledging his services to the government and party and suggesting on the issue of Chauthala 's future that the " best course " would be to discuss the matter within Janata Dal .
8 Hence the comfort from eating , sucking sweets or a pipe , and drawing on a cigarette .
9 For their part artists were experimenting and drawing on the insights provided by the colour theorists .
10 But yesterday McLean said it was Burgess who had been kicking and stamping on the victim .
11 Sally stood up , letting the towel drop and shrugging on a silk wrap .
12 A suitable mix of exercise includes cycling on an ergometer , stepping up and down a two-step climb , a variety of arm and leg exercises using dumb-bells or fixed-weight training equipment and jogging on a mini-trampoline .
13 The peasants had little notion of belonging to any wider grouping than their own volost' , like Nikol'skaia , or even sometimes , and depending on the subject , than their own village .
14 Therefore the few staff sit up late at night to prepare lectures on a few things they know about and a lot of things they know not much about , and spend their time keeping one page ahead of the class and depending on the textbook .
15 After departure of the 1620 to Sheffield , and depending on the good will of the driver , we managed to achieve many foot plate rides down to Wharf Lane and back as the train had to reverse into the down bay .
16 Numerous natural and artificial substances are capable of causing platelet aggregation ( Table 5.1 ) , and depending on the nature of the aggregation agent and its concentration , aggregation may be reversible or irreversible and have one or two phases .
17 As soon as possible , he was on his own again , moving from place to place , sleeping rough in barns , in caves , or in the open , and depending on the support and generosity of the common people for succour and sustenance , repaying them with prayer and preaching .
18 The present system of paying weekly through sticking stamps on NI cards would be abolished , and depending on the results of consultation , which will continue until the end of the year , the Agency is hopeful that payment via banks , certain building societies , the Post Office and Girobank will be possible .
19 For all of us there will be the faith challenge of living on a much reduced income and depending on the Lord 's provision for at least part of our day to day needs .
20 There are disadvantages in using too long a list , in that more of the candidate strings will be allowable , and depending on the MRD that the list is taken from , can contain rare words that most native speakers would not recognise as ‘ real ’ words .
21 Depending on their flair and the quality of their training they will need differing degrees of support , and depending on the school and the LEA they will either get it or not .
22 Also , often as not and depending on the turnover rate , air operated filters are just as efficient .
23 In their own way , and depending on the stresses within the group , the members will almost intuitively sort out a set of relationships which will provide both behaviour patterns and thereby establish a balance of power .
24 It is best to make these shelves as close together as possible — say , around 10″ , and depending on the depth of shelf and what 's stored on it .
25 From experience , and depending on the species selected , it has been found that with these numbers of large cichlids all present in the same tank , there is not the space for any of them to be able to establish a permanent territory and fight off all invaders .
26 Each specialized trade was like an organ within an animal 's body , providing a function that benefited the whole and depending on the continued existence of the whole for its own survival .
27 I would just tell him this that er there is a problem here which my Right Honourable Friend is addressing and depending on the outcome of those consultations and discussions , will obviously depend the action which we will have to take .
28 David Langham , lands and planning manager for Kelt , said the data collected by the ship would be analysed and depending on the findings a drilling rig could be brought in .
29 And depending on the area we 'll give a photocopy of the map and Derek will fetch 'em in , Derek can take them down .
30 erm but obviously we do cover the parts that are listed on pages two and three of all of our booklets , and depending on the premium that 's paid depends on the coverage issues .
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