Example sentences of "and [v-ing] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Do not forget Mr Hurd 's record for soothing nerves and conciliating Tory antagonists .
2 My own mother 's bedroom was a bright white gallery fronted by an old Mexican balcony overflowing with fuchsia and courting pink wildflowers .
3 The Tibetan intuitively spun on his heel , raising his arm as if to throw a stone and bellowing great roars of abuse .
4 We grouped false positives into two classes : words identified because of errors in scoring and labelling acoustic-phonetic segments ( e.g. girl , curl ) , and homophonic phrases caused by word boundary ambiguity ( e.g. party , par tea ) .
5 While education and other social crises deepened , state officials were seen being driven around in expensive foreign cars and eating lavish banquets .
6 Cough worse ( < ) cold air , evening and morning , better ( > ) drinking and eating warm things .
7 Even a week of sitting there , supping in the beer by a kind of osmosis through the atmosphere , and eating solid sandwiches , seemed to have deposited a tiny roll of fat round his waist .
8 When she got back to the kitchen , Finn was reading an old newspaper , seated on the table and eating dry chunks of bread gouged from a loaf in the crumb of which his fingers had left grey prints .
9 From the early Sixties break-out , psychedelia was upon them with Sergeant Pepper , painted VWs and Dr Leary , extolling the virtues of LSD and eating strange mushrooms .
10 Luckily she had walked , or tottered , in the right direction , and after days which she could no longer recall , sleeping in barns and eating raw eggs when she could find them , she woke up in a Red Cross Hospital .
11 In Sweden and Denmark , children enjoy making and eating open sandwiches .
12 ‘ I 'm still thankful to be alive and eating three meals a day .
13 Yep first of December Sunday start opening those things and eating those sweets .
14 And he sent a photograph of you know , people in the boat and eating these things , you know ?
15 It also neutralizes the ill effects of sitting at a desk all day and eating large lunches .
16 Apart from taking the Japanese surrender and recovering Allied prisoners of war , General Gracey 's third task was to maintain law and order ; and in this he was to recognize the sole authority of the French .
17 The Ministry for Women will have special responsibility for coordinating childcare policy , improving women 's safety and encouraging more women to participate in public life .
18 By attracting famous names BPT hopes to create a snowball effect , boosting confidence and encouraging smaller retailers to take up space .
19 We continue to explore alternative ways of managing our operations more effectively and generating better returns on the residential landholdings which we control .
20 In theory , the government was pledged to promote more competition among airlines , with the aim of reducing fares and generating more services .
21 These three rows , selecting the needles and knitting two rows between have created a sloping repeat motif across the row .
22 You can knit a braid over nine stitches by first crossing the six stitches to the left of the nine stitches , knitting three rows , then crossing the six stitches to the right and knitting three rows .
23 The Efficiency Unit in its main aim of encouraging and assisting individual departments to make their top management systems effective .
24 The additional resources planned will be directed towards helping unemployed people , improving the skills of the work force and assisting small businesses and enterprise .
25 He traced the development of the Community College and role in bringing together and assisting local organisations .
26 Yet his real concern is that Labour has failed to grasp how the financial and managerial freedom of GM status , bypassing the LEA and channelling extra funds to schools , has improved opportunities for ordinary pupils .
27 We have also found that the method described for bovine tissue can also be applied to human gall bladder epithelial cells and we are currently in the process of culturing and characterising these cells .
28 These strategies were exemplified in statements on the part of respondents such as ‘ count your blessings ’ , or ‘ we 're all in the same boat ’ , and in methods such as perceiving hardship as the forerunner of an easier future , or devaluing the importance of aspects which are noxious ( such as an unpleasant boss and colleagues ) and magnifying good aspects ( such as the convenient location and reasonable pay of the job ) .
29 Methods of displaying and magnifying digital images were discussed in the preceding section .
30 But you wo n't be told , either , about the voluntary work he puts into training and helping young barristers .
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