Example sentences of "and [vb past] [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 In Leeds meanwhile he interested himself in educational ventures and became widely known for public service .
2 In 1958 Thomas was promoted group captain and two years later was posted to the Royal Australian Air Force , where he commanded the Tottenham station at Melbourne and became affectionately known as ‘ Father ’ .
3 In 1628 Cecil married Anne ( died 1649 ) , the Catholic daughter of Thomas Arundell ( first Baron Arundell of Wardour , q.v. ) , and became firmly identified with the Catholic faction .
4 With an effort she looked away and made some remark to one of the schoolteachers and became consciously absorbed in the conversation which followed .
5 In 1966 , Bechuanaland gained its independence and became officially known as the Republic of Botswana .
6 Marks opened an office in New York in 1910 and became closely associated with Thomas Edison as patent agent , advocate , and personal confidant .
7 The web spread and became more entangled .
8 A few days after his birth , as she pulled herself to life and became indissolubly bound by bonds of tender passion to the helpless being she had created , she had wanted to kill him lovingly herself .
9 One who had arrived there as the convulsions started was Charlton Heston who achieved almost instant stardom and became especially known for his appearances in the biblical epics .
10 During the evening his wife was very nervous and became extremely agitated when the British guns started up , the shells passing over the village with a loud roar .
11 For while she returned her kingdom to full doctrinal and liturgical conformity with Rome , many English Protestant exiles fled their homeland and took up residence in Strasbourg , Zurich , Emden , Frankfurt , and Geneva , where they gained first-hand experience of the Zwinglian and Calvinist forms of Protestantism , and became fully immersed in the Calvinist theology of grace and salvation .
12 This talked about tormentosas , con gran aparato eléctrico , and we experienced one of these during an evening stroll up above the town and got completely drenched .
13 He tried both of these old tricks on Eleanor and got thoroughly told off .
14 Ellie ran upstairs , threw off her old blouse and skirt and her much darned stockings , and got hurriedly dressed in her Sunday best , yet another variation on the plain black dress with detachable collar and cuffs she had been wearing for as long as she could remember .
15 Perkin tried to pull them apart and got smartly knocked down by Nolan , quick and tough with his fists as with his riding .
16 I saw a whole host of caterpillar tracks near the entrance of the Channel Tunnel , started to follow one on my hands and knees — and got promptly knocked down by a bulldozer … !
17 When Lotty and Rose finally arrived , they were discomfited to find Mrs Fisher , a formidable widow , and Lady Dester , a bored society beauty trying to escape male attention , already in residence .
18 The satisfaction with which the new prayer book was received and used quickly resulted in a request that the Burmese hymn book should be revised and enlarged , and I was asked to be the editor and secretary of the small revision committee .
19 He was told about Sutton and Penge depôts which he visited and found well run , particularly Penge for fear of losing face with the Corporation , who maintained high standards .
20 The technique evolved from the introduction of percutaneous cholecystostomy as an alternative to surgical cholecystostomy and utilised well established technicues for dilating percutaneous tracts and stone extraction .
21 A splashy Belle-epoque tableau literally bursting at the edges with tumbling patrons leaping from the stage , frantic dancers , several pairs of identical twins and top-hatted gentlemen consorting with masked beauties , it was most entertaining decoration , and seemed reasonably estimated at $100–150,000 , though it sold to an American collector ( widely believed to be Iris and Gerald Cantor ) for a stunning $650,000 ( £373,500 ) .
22 The methodological challenges sketched above are considerable , and seemed best tackled in a stage-by-stage manner .
23 ‘ Leith , ’ he said , but his look was no warmer , no less arrogant than it had been all morning , ‘ you do n't … ’ he went on , and seemed slightly stuck for words .
24 Fresh doubts were raised here : the mare was bathed in sweat and seemed uncharacteristically agitated and disinclined for the job in hand .
25 She had no Cabinet intimate and seemed increasingly isolated on her lofty eminence .
26 Paisley accused Craig of proposing UDI and seemed most committed to the complete integration of Ulster with the mainland if the old majority-rule Stormont could not be reintroduced .
27 When my parents did eventually reply , their letter was full of the most ordinary details of life in England and seemed far removed from my experiences in the Legion .
28 Wishart , on his visits to Hamilton Terrace , began to realise that Minton never listened to wise advice and seemed almost frightened of intelligent people .
29 Bush has pledged cooperation until Clinton 's inauguration on January 20 and seemed almost relieved to be through with a vicious campaign .
30 Woil looked around him and seemed suddenly confused and unsure of himself .
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