Example sentences of "and [noun prp] and [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I walked up to Nat , Aldo , Jimmy and Ben and said , " Can somebody teach me to ride ? "
2 The charts given here are a little misleading , because Deneb has to be drawn on one section and Vega and Altair on the other , but the overall aspect is obvious enough .
3 He has already paid a brief visit to Middlesbrough and Hull and has been briefed in general terms on the hopes and needs of our diocese .
4 But on closer examination he was forced to admit even he may have been wrong , and he demanded that the PWL stable looked after its young charges Kylie and Jason and prevented them from destroying their lives .
5 There are mixed doubles all afternoon , and Scrabble and acting games and trying on trunkloads of period clothes all evening .
6 That he had a thumb in many pies was undeniable : he served as sheriff in both Surrey and Sussex and had been appointed to head a commission examining the revenues of the confiscated estates of George Duke of Clarence , the king 's brother .
7 Indeed , these appointments both enhanced and stabilized the Church in Deira and Bernicia and defined its character into the eighth century .
8 It 's got a bad stigma to it and that 's what 's the main problem with it , y'know , this junkie in a dirty squat with a needle hanging out of his arm and OD'ing and dealing on his doorstep and everything and looking like the pictures you see of people falling to bits , but for me personally it 's not like that , y'know , I do try to conduct a normal law-abiding life .
9 Saliva dripped from his parted lips and ran down over his chin , and Taliesin and Fribble both shuddered , for the Lad would savour Fergus ; he was licking his lips and salivating over him .
10 Fergus had fallen back across the table and Taliesin and Fribble both moved to stand between him and the Lad .
11 He looked quite fierce as he said this , and Taliesin and Fribble both backed away , because when a giant — even a small one — looks at you fiercely , it is not easy to stand your ground .
12 ‘ It 's no use playing two wingers like Morrissey and Nevin and asking them to do the defensive bit for you .
13 BR plans more through services to Worcester and Hereford and has forecast a thirty per cent increase in passengers .
14 This is especially so with writers like Barthes and Genet , and Wilde and Gide before them , who , far from subordinating their outlawed sexuality to their radical politics or radical aesthetics , actively inform them with it .
15 For a few months he stood on a European par with Adler and Liebknecht and tried to take responsibility for Russians interned after the Brest–Litovsk peace .
16 On arcade you can be either Guy you can be Guy and Codie and leave out Hagarth but most people go for Hagarth
17 Fields in bird breeding areas directly to the north and west of Anglesey and Holyhead and bordering on the north west coastline of the Llyn Peninsula were excluded along with fields in breeding grounds of the bottle-nosed dolphin on the Moray Firth in Scotland and in Cardigan Bay , West Wales , were excluded .
18 Nope we sat and le and the other day we got some chips , you know , me and Mikila and sat in the park
19 ‘ And I would point out that we have just completed a development squad tour that has taken in Western Samoa , Fiji and Tonga and comprised a black management and a large percentage of black players in the squad . ’
20 Kevin and Sharon meet Clive and Alison and take a boat trip to Brownsea Island for the day .
21 Both bodies have been able to comment on draft PPGs and MPGs and have secured a number of improvements to their content .
22 On Feb. 27 an " open skies " agreement , signed in May 1991 between Hungary and Romania and allowing for surveillance flights in each country 's airspace , came into force .
23 Apparently , Shamir had privately arranged Arens ' meetings with Bush and Baker and had failed to notify Levy .
24 England rested Potter and Clift and played Soma Singh at centre-half against largely unknown opponents .
25 England rested Potter and Clift and played Soma Singh at centre-half against largely unknown opponents .
26 Another must for this briefly visiting the Mournes is the traverse of the north ridge of the Bloody Bridge , on the Irish ea coast , to the Trassey road near Tollymore Forest Park ; or better still , on reaching the Hares Gap climb Bearnagh , Meelmore and Meelbeg and descend the broad slopes to Fofanny Dam .
27 They outplayed Wilson , Gavin and Ofahengaue and helped Scotland to a half-time lead of 9–7 .
28 Erm , in the Customer Services area once we 've seen what changes Customer Service wish to make during this year that they myself and Roger and gon na find that out , hopefully , tomorrow , erm , then we 'll be more specific about the areas that we have to address on th , the first and second floor .
29 The body , with its trademark Alfa knife swage and tiny headlamps , is built in a mixture of steel and Kevlar and features a beautifully effective roadster option : touch a button and the roof glass and rear windows drop beneath a complicated rear lid .
30 Once again the American 's plans for the Middle East were in disarray and then the Israelis allowed Phalangist units to enter the Palestinian refugee camps at Sabra and Shatilla and massacre everyone within reach .
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