Example sentences of "and [adv] after [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It is a problem only afflicting women and only after puberty , so it is easy to see that the condition is connected with our hormones .
2 Mitchell ( 1985 ) asserts that the prime objective of perinatal care should be ‘ to ensure that new individuals reach adult life in the best possible state ’ and that the final outcome is determined by many interacting factors from genetic endowment to educational development , but above all by the qualities of parents , eugenically before conception , psychologically during pregnancy and personally after birth .
3 From the physical point of view , the human child is at its most vulnerable during and just after birth , and it remains ‘ at risk ’ , in the actuarial sense , throughout early childhood , particularly during what our society thinks of as the pre-school years .
4 The assessment of practical subjects and their funding remains a problem , but the negative attitudes towards Agriculture , which I remember so clearly in the years just preceding and just after independence in the countries where I worked and travelled , seems virtually dead .
5 Worse ( < ) before and just after midnight
6 Anxiety , restlessness , weakness out of proportion to the illness , burning pains better ( > ) heat , foul odours , chilly , worse ( < ) before and just after midnight — these are characteristic of this remedy .
7 Loyal armed forces launched a counter-attack against the rebels , and just after midnight there was a burst of heavy fighting around the palace and residence , the Ministry of Defence and naval headquarters , and at the Miranda base .
8 It begins to get very cold and hats and pogies appear but we press on and soon after midnight portage Marlow ; a hundred yards downstream we find the campsite and land .
9 The chances are you wo n't sleep much though , because Monday is the big market day in Cavaillon and soon after midnight the carts and lorries and vans of the big fruit farmers ' co-operatives , of the market gardeners , of the tomato and garlic and onion growers , will start rattling and roaring and rumbling into the great open market in the place du Clos .
10 We found a nice level spot under some pine trees with a bed of soft pine needles facing the lake and soon after dark we were happy to crawl under the sleeping blankets .
11 However , I insisted that we should get him to hospital and soon after dawn we arrived at Prome , where after considerable appeal and importunity on my part the patient was admitted to hospital .
12 A diet should always be tested in the autoclave that will normally be used to ensure that it is acceptable both nutritionally and physically after sterilization .
13 The state of the fundic wrap can be accurately assessed with the retroflexed endoscope , and shortly after fundoplication 8–9% of wraps were found to be defective .
14 Compared with diabetic patients in urban areas , those in rural areas were less likely to attend a hospital based diabetic clinic ( 46% ( 442 ) v 86% ( 1054 ) , p<0.001 ) ; less likely to be receiving insulin ( 260 ( 27% ) v 416 ( 34% ) , p<0.001 and also after correction for differences in age distribution ) ; more likely to have advanced ( maculopathy or proliferative retinopathy ) diabetic retinopathy ( 13% ( 122 ) v 7% ( 89 ) , p<0.001 ) ; and more likely to require urgent laser photocoagulation for previously unrecognised retinopathy ( 1.4% ( 13 ) v 0.5% ( 6 ) , p<0.02 ) .
15 Should it unfortunately prove necessary , will my right hon. Friend make arrangements for it possibly to be introduced without notice and simultaneously after consultation with the Government of the Republic of Ireland ?
16 64k mode is not covered in the manual at all , unfortunately , and even after experimentation — loading the supplied VGA-BIOS program , which improved things a little — it proved impossible to get correct colour values onscreen .
17 Her senior by fourteen years , she had been a splendid nursemaid and even after marriage , while rearing her own family , Edna had still managed to do part-time cleaning and a weekly wash in the Tremayne household .
18 The night had been warm too , not just the daytime , and even after sunset the temperature had not seemed to drop much .
19 We normally continue working over drinks , over dinner , and frequently after dinner as well .
20 The presence of airborne P cepacia in the hospital waiting room before and immediately after occupation by 3 P cepacia-colonised patients was investigated with a selective culture medium ( Mast Diagnostic Ltd , Bootle , UK ) in association with a bacterial sampler ( Casella Ltd , London , UK ) .
21 Women were deemed unclean during and immediately after childbirth .
22 For example , medical explanations of the ‘ blues ’ tend to favour as the principal causative element biochemical changes taking place in a woman 's body during pregnancy and immediately after birth .
23 Animal experiments provide numerous examples of programming which occurs because the organs and systems of the body mature during periods of rapid growth before and immediately after birth .
24 When Richards was fifth out only 124 were on the board , and immediately after tea the innings collapsed totally .
25 Inevitably there was a burst of activity during and immediately after World War II as shown for example by military research and development ( Wolfie , 1951 ) and by the ‘ Training within Industry ’ ( TWI ) movement ( War Man-power Commission , 1945 ) .
26 In a study of a forest as a whole , the Budongo Forest in Uganda , it was found that 40% of all seeds were eaten by rodents before and immediately after germination and about a further 30% were killed in 2 years by browsing antelope , while there were further losses from seed rot , insect and fungal attack and drought .
27 An extremely detailed investigation was based upon the Hubbard Brook forest of New Hampshire , USA where the pathways of chemical elements were studied under natural conditions and then after deforestation the biogeochemical cycles were investigated again and during subsequent recovery ( Likens et al . ,
28 and then after Christmas dinner I built this windmill and mother and I liked it and he said well its only screwed together , I nearly said well you wanted it any way , see , he wanted it and yet cos I got it , it were , any body could have it
29 So we might go down that weekend for Rachel and then after Christmas
30 What we 're gon na do now , it 's just coming up to twenty past three , so we 'll take a tea break and then after tea we 'll come back and we 'll spend about an hour or so looking at identifying trainees .
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