Example sentences of "and [adv] only [prep] " in BNC.

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1 At the conclusion of their day the Caddie Master Tom Gould , and a John Holton played a three-hole match , presumably on the 1st , 2nd and 18th holes and presumably only for fun , their scores being 38 and 39 , quoted as 16–7–15 and 9–12–18 .
2 A score of under 40 would indicate a very high investment risk , and so only in unusual circumstances would investment be worthwhile .
3 It occurred during Lebanon 's glorious recent history and so only in old magazines or in scratched newsreel films can one sense the phantoms that were even then being made manifest in the streets of Beirut .
4 And perhaps only at certain times of the year , especially in agricultural communities .
5 Only when this phase has been completed , and perhaps only for a relatively brief period at the height of a crisis , can a second phase of overt conflict between proletarians and capitalists become manifest ( Przeworski , 1977 ) .
6 Once and once only in six hundred and seventeen pages the narrator gives his readership a disconcerting , impertinent prod by addressing it directly as ‘ Gentlemen ’ .
7 And yes , I drink alcohol but only wine and champagne and usually only in the evening .
8 However , it has to be so used with great care , and preferably only by trained and professional medical advisers .
9 Really he was inaugurating a procedure that would become permanent , providing itemised details of his budget , first of all to his parents and later only to his brother .
10 Can you co up again if you can co I 'm going back to The reason being that the approach to the business was one of quality and a large amount of hand-finishing , and , the leathers were aimed mainly at the , saddlery and leather goods trade and also only at the very top end of the shoe trade .
11 Here , and probably only from the air , it is possible to make out a large area , still recovering from a heather fire which several years ago set alight the peaty turf which burned below the surface for several weeks .
12 She was big and busty and wore the sort of extravagant ‘ gowns ’ favoured by La Cogan in her prime , and now only to be glimpsed on BBC1 's ‘ Come Dancing ’ which Grunte proclaimed to be his favourite programme .
13 In striking contrast the Westerner passes only a quarter of that weight in much firmer , harder stool daily … and often not daily … and often only with difficulty .
14 Moreover , there is no obvious change in the average shape of the marginal basal cells in which the cable runs ( Fig. 4 g ) , until the final stages of wound closure ( and then only at sites where the wound margin is particularly sharply curved ) .
15 Her cosmic vision prophesied that as the race evolved intercourse would only be practised for the purpose of reproduction , and then only at carefully spaced intervals under women 's direction .
16 And although the City Council has managed over the years to old council house rents down , I think for three years there was absolutely no rent increase and then only about a nine per cent increase , although we 've managed to hold council house rents down until
17 Thus out of the middle only 27 will have any chance of getting into the top flight and then only into the second round of the Pilkington Cup .
18 It was n't fair , just or right for the Signora to come before the hour appointed ; she should have been admitted by Giovanna herself and the keys should have remained hanging on their appointed hook ; the other set being in the pocket of Giovanna 's overall from which she now drew them and held them up making it clear that they would be relinquished only upon her death and then only into the hands of Signor Kettering .
19 Wolfgang Pauli ( no slouch ) waited three years before committing his invented new particle , the neutrino , to print , and then only as a footnote .
20 How long it will remain confidential is a matter for debate , but the US government intends to control the technology 's export strictly , issuing licences only on a case-by-case basis and then only to ‘ US companies seeking to use these devices to secure their own communications abroad ’ .
21 ‘ However , an unregistered company is not , except in the event of its being wound up , deemed to be a company under the Companies Act , and then only to the extent provided by this Part of this Act .
22 Only in that moment of self-reflection can any real state of intellectual freedom be attained ; and then only to a limited degree .
23 11.1 You will keep secret and will not disclose to any third party ( except sub-contractors accepting a like obligation of secrecy , and then only to the extent necessary for the performance of the sub-contract ) all information given by us in connection with this order , or which becomes known to you through your performance of work under this order .
24 Only regressive assimilation of voice is found across word boundaries , and then only of one type ; since this matter is important for foreign learners we will look at it in some detail .
25 Such small firms will be required to account for VAT once a year , and then only on bills actually paid .
26 While the French police eventually traced the pieces to Osaka , lack of cooperation on the part of the Japanese authorities meant that they were not returned to France until June 1990 , and then only on the condition that they were returned to Japan by December of that year .
27 However , climbing sports differ from true climbers in that invariably they do not bloom until the second year wood , and then only on side shoots , and seldom repeat much after the first burst of bloom during June .
28 This option was , however , never used without the agreement of the chairmen , and then only on those rare occasions when they felt it would help secure acceptance of unpopular measures by their colleagues and the broader public .
29 Conversely , some people are introverted , and seek out relationships with very few people and then only on their own terms .
30 In England , women in general did not acquire access to relatively safe abortions until 1967 and then only on a limited basis .
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