Example sentences of "and [adv] we [verb] " in BNC.

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1 And luckily we 've both got a very good alibi for last night .
2 But our Key Person policy compensated us , which kept our backers and creditors happy , and eventually we managed to recruit new people , reorganise and get back on the rails again . ’
3 We asked around , and eventually we had a tremendous stroke of luck .
4 We 're waiting to register as a charity and eventually we hope to get a national FreeFone line .
5 And eventually we got they were frightened you see , that the suction of the boats going down would pull the the water boat under .
6 Now I took him into my home , it was an extremely costly thing to do , and eventually we got him into the Chiltern Clinic .
7 I had asked similar questions and was advised to try Jones + Brother with the result that I bought a KA881 with ribber and eventually we made some lovely garments together .
8 She moved abroad but kept in touch and eventually we persuaded her to see a doctor .
9 Er and eventually we changed the foreman , the union changed the foreman .
10 It serves no real purpose and eventually we have to pay for it to be taken away .
11 I did n't forget Nelly who had been a good little friend to me , and eventually we did meet up again , several years later .
12 But it , it did and , and I think there again a little bit of Guild influence because when er we were at meetings we would say , well what are you going to do about the er drapery you know and eventually we did get this better erm you know , drapery .
13 In later years we borrowed Blossom , a big Clydesdale-type mare , from John Sayer at West New Houses , and eventually we bought her .
14 and eventually we bought it
15 From that point we searched and searched for blues music and eventually we evolved into a ‘ blues band ’ .
16 , that contract is now completed , the infrastructure contract on site itself has been let , and er , we have now resolved all the , the issues that were on that site , and effectively we 've already sold two of the plots off that site before .
17 We are aware that socially and economically we have more in common with our opposite numbers in the Republican ( Catholic ) side than we have with loyalist ( Protestant ) big-wigs .
18 Left and right we turned under the sick orange of the streetlights , then stopped .
19 And locally we carried out a similar exercise some six months ago which showed that eighty two percent of the businesses were still there after months .
20 Absolutely , it was absolutely fantastic and despite the rain , spectators enjoyed themselves and course designer Mike Etherington-Smith is a genius , and locally we had something to cheer us , you may have heard earlier .
21 ‘ We always had to be aware where their main dangers were coming from and defensively we did that .
22 From this , the idea was derived of ‘ patchwork pieces ’ , which then led to a demand for specific colours in the bags , ’ ‘ and suddenly we realized we had created a bit of a monster . ’
23 We probably presented quite an obscene picture and suddenly we seemed to have an audience .
24 We both looked up at the air-vent , and suddenly we heard a terrible cry in the next room .
25 North Sea oil came on board and suddenly we had a product which people wanted to buy .
26 We had sent Johann back to the Castle of Zenda and suddenly we had a message from him .
27 And suddenly we saw swallows flying low over the corn .
28 We have been living in a jungle all our lives and we have struggled to bring our minds into cultivation but without hope and suddenly we have found this meadow of cleared land on which we can plant our gardens .
29 Now to start sailing closer towards the wind , we need to pull in the mainsheet , pop the daggerboard down and then turn the boat gently towards the wind , we reach the point where even with the sail sheeted in tightly , the front edge , the luff of the sail is still flapping , that 's as close to the wind as we can get and so we maintain a course to keep the sail full .
30 I 'm not a writer but I have done some singing , and so we met up and decided to do some songs , with a conscious effort to keep it basic-sounding , and showcase Lola 's voice .
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