Example sentences of "and [pers pn] [verb] at " in BNC.

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1 Sticking plasters , safety-pins , lipstick , comb , bus pass , piece of string , rubber bands , Vick inhaler , dried rose-hips that I picked last autumn and forgot to plant , and a cracked , yellowing snap of Otley and me roller-skating at Margate .
2 At least , out here , I have — I admit this with shame — I have delivered an extended breech with the nurse giving chloroform at one end and praying and me delivering at the other end and swearing , and the baby lived , the mother lived , and everything was all right .
3 There was a long pause during which a kind of stage fright seized me and perhaps him too : we remained in our positions , Richard sitting up in bed and me standing at the window , looking at each other helplessly like actors who have forgotten their lines .
4 ‘ The whole time since I heard that Walter would be released unconditionally I have been wondering how things will work with him being allowed out at night and to talk to whoever he wishes and me sitting at home in the evenings , gagged . ’
5 She swept them out , following them , fearing perhaps that they would add to Harry 's fatigue , and he and I looked at each other across the suddenly empty room in a shared fundamental awareness .
6 Both Coconut and I looked at him in astonishment .
7 ‘ Clark and I looked at the thing for five minutes and we said ‘ Wow ’ ’ , White told New Scientist .
8 Karen and I looked at each other , half-amused , half-disturbed .
9 The Lorrimores , followed by everyone still in the dining room , went dashing off into the dome car , but Emil and I looked at each other , and I said , ‘ How do we warn that train ? ’
10 It took me about three or four minutes to rescue it and I looked at my ‘ prize ’ .
11 We sat right down by the ashes of a fire , and I looked at them , and I did n't wonder who could have made them .
12 Charlie and I looked at each other .
13 And I looked at all the rest of them — a tough lot , I can tell you — they could n't believe it either .
14 ‘ If I was Intel and I looked at how many processors I was able to sell and the limited market for the Pentium , initially , I would probably focus on the 486 this year as well . ’
15 And I looked at his sad face .
16 Johann left the room and I looked at Sapt .
17 Like the midwife who came to see me said , " Ooh , you 're only seventeen " , and I looked at her — how old do you have to be to have a baby — forty or something ?
18 There was one particular hole and I looked at it and thought , in a million years we will never get up there .
19 Carradine and I looked at each other .
20 Susan and I looked at each other , eyebrows going up under our hoods .
21 And I looked at him carefully , and began to think .
22 Laura and I looked at one another uncertainly .
23 Helen Stoner and I looked at him in surprise .
24 And I looked at people I passed a bit more , and all of a sudden they did seem nice and smiled back .
25 Yet , directly I stepped out into the sunshine again , my superior self took over , and I looked at the matter differently .
26 I still did n't say anything , but I had my eyes open and I looked at Stok calmly .
27 ‘ When at Fort Desire , in Patagonia ( lat 48 ’ ) , Mr Martens shot an ostrich ; and I looked at it , forgetting at the moment , in the most unaccountable manner , the whole subject of the petise , and thought it was a two-third grown one of the common sort .
28 Lorenzo and I looked at each other and nothing had changed .
29 And I looked at her , I said what for .
30 and I looked at people , we were all saying why we waiting here , why we waiting and we saw people rushing off so we thought we 've got to rush off after them and we were all put on the train and sent to Charing Cross which was n't where most of us wanted to go or anything like we wanted to go
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