Example sentences of "and [noun pl] in their " in BNC.

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1 Together the partners appear , consciously or not , to negotiate a different relationship based on their interests and activities in their forties , turning again to each other , especially as the children withdraw from their lives .
2 The first relates to differences between political actors and groups in their abilities to use , influence or indeed manipulate the media ; the second to the political consequences of these actions .
3 Ianthe had always wanted a house of her own and as soon as she had shut the door behind her she forgot the lonely homecoming in the pleasure she still felt at seeing her furniture and possessions in their new setting .
4 I believe that they certainly exist because history has given to each contemporary people a cast of mind , a set of habits and attitudes in their conduct of their own affairs , in the state of their minds , in their attitudes towards others , which make them individual and peculiar .
5 This time the cwm is alive with walkers , families , dogs — and climbers in their headlong rush to the ice .
6 Brooke-Rose follows structuralists and post-structuralists in their belief that language is the only tool we have at our disposal for apprehending reality , and that linguistic structures have a formative effect on the mind .
7 Ours have been selected as real Italian enthusiasts , highly trained in all aspects of travel , experienced and experts in their field — full of local knowledge .
8 But if they were to meet away from school , out of uniform , no longer under the watchful eye of the masters and mistresses in their chalk-marked black gowns , then maybe it would be different .
9 At the end of the visit Archipenko told Modigliani to help himself to the fruit and vegetables in their garden which he took back to Jeanne and her mother as a peace offering .
10 The precedent has thus been set for countries to participate in certain areas of common European interest without accepting all EEC structures and policies in their entirety .
11 This alone would permit the evaluation of UK problems and policies in their international setting and clarify the implications of policy choices at the EEC level for the UK and the rest of the EEC as well as locating options for Europe as a whole in the global context by which it is powerfully influenced and constrained .
12 The experience of working with gifted teachers and heads in their early career , the sense that they have in some cases been given the benefit of working closely with other wise and successful teachers — particularly inside a religious order — the fact that they in some cases went away from teaching and , having had time to reflect in quite unrelated work , then saw that teaching was an obligation which they should meet — these are among the backgrounds which heads are prepared to reveal .
13 The appeal of what I have called the ‘ humanist paradigm ’ lies , I think , in the way it can seem to conceptualise the need women have experienced for this greater degree of autonomy and control , for overcoming the fragmentation and contradictions in their lives , and for a capacity for self-definition .
14 Fourteen housewives of varying degrees of nationality climbed , showing the holes and ladders in their upper parts of their stockings .
15 The most obvious change in nursing practice apparent to returners is the active involvement of patients and clients in their own care .
16 Coun Bill Dixon ( Lab ) told councillors he was fed up with private and council tenants who flout the law by parking cars and motorbikes in their gardens .
17 ‘ I should hardly like to live with her ladies and gentlemen in their elegant but confined houses , ’ Charlotte Bronte writes in 1848 , reporting the sensations of a reader rather than commenting upon description , for Jane Austen 's contexts are , like Richardson 's , still sensed rather than seen .
18 But since field staff can sample in a day only a minuscule proportion of the discharges and watercourses in their districts , the coincidence of sampling when a serious ‘ one-off ’ pollution is occurring is very unlikely .
19 The Auchtergaven men broke in at night with their faces blacked and knives in their hands .
20 Plant fruit trees and bushes in their permanent positions as soon as possible .
21 Most teachers would agree with this statement and , indeed , say that they use a variety of approaches and methods in their work , suiting them to the needs of the individual learner and the stage that pupil has reached .
22 The implication in all the sexually discriminatory immigration laws ( continued long after the introduction of the Sex Discrimination Act in 1975 ) is that women are slaves and chattels in their communities , and the government sees no reason why it should treat them as anything else .
23 Forward premiums are deducted from the existing spot rate whilst forward discounts are added to the spot rate , in order to ascertain the future value of receipts and payments for exporters and importers in their own domestic currencies .
24 The workshop is aimed at youth leaders who can develop media awareness training schemes in parishes and communities in their respective countries .
25 Yet both of them must come into contact with the same assortment of germs and viruses in their daily lives .
26 They were hiding mutual dislikes and rivalries in their over-eagerness to answer his questions .
27 But , although many babies pull off hats , socks and booties in their first year , they do n't really try to dress or undress at this stage .
28 And each one of them felt the patches , strains and gaps in their craft as if they were weak places in their own bodies .
29 Conservatives , Catholics , socialists and anarchists in their different ways favoured collective , harmonious , co-operative and organic conceptions of the state and society .
30 It contains a framework of core and optional units from which the colleges will plan courses which are tailored to meet the needs of students and end-users in their own local areas .
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