Example sentences of "and [noun pl] [Wh det] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 Food , of course , remains a topic of passionate concern — the focus of minor complaints and disagreements which rumble on for long periods — and outbursts of contentment which are extremely short-lived .
2 Unemployed women are often defined out of the labour market by structures and ideologies which regulate that market .
3 As students work through the projects in the Student 's Book , they carry out a number of tasks and activities which form the basis for similar projects of their own .
4 It is with understanding linguistic factors in relation to the concrete problems and activities which make up the daily reality of the school : what children need to learn , how they learn and what difficulties they experience .
5 If the Church is to keep its teenagers , especially , it has to compete successfully with many other attractions and activities which appeal to the young .
6 He stated that he had met too many people who had become mentally disturbed by playing about with ideas and activities which have done them deep emotional damage .
7 There are also a number of tasks and activities which have been developed to illustrate the family dynamic — these include family choreography , role-playing , role-reversal , family drawing , charting , listing , and perhaps most well-known , family sculpting .
8 To include in teacher training ‘ respect for others ’ as a first principle and to support this by the development of teaching materials and activities which foster a practical understanding of its significance
9 If the reciprocal roles and activities which occur in a family in the mutual interdependency phase can be sorted out , it enhances the status and well-being of each side , so that we see a grandmother who mends while her daughter does the washing , an old person baby-sits while the young neighbour does shopping .
10 This month 's analysis is a very melodic and tasteful piece which owes much of its effectiveness to the use of chord tones and notes which act as extensions to the chords .
11 Q SHOULD I try to get rid of the large number of slugs and snails which have got into my compost bin ?
12 The thrushes are thought to be harmed by consuming slugs and snails which have been treated with molluscicides , whose use has grown by 900 per cent in recent years .
13 It may be , too , that a distinction needs to be drawn between groups which have a non-executive membership and groups which do not : the Child Poverty Action Group does not have non-executive members .
14 Organisations are political coalitions of individuals and groups which have their own interests .
15 20 ) , are stylistically closer to those in the Cupids mosaic than are those of North Hill B. The leaves and buds which comprise the floral scroll in the Cupids mosaic however , are more comparable to those of the central square of the latter .
16 So , having assessed the relative importance of the place and the house in which you would like to live , tables such as these should also help to assess the particular locations and houses which seem attractive , and you can then score the extent to which they fulfil your requirements .
17 Traditionally , country cottages and houses which have unusual or unique features or are in need of a lot of renovation may be auctioned , if only because valuation is likely to be difficult .
18 To me it seems that beauty , and indeed the qualities and forms which give rise to beauty , only exist for a consciousness .
19 For example , optical brightening agents for that ‘ whiter than white look ’ , bleaches , perfumes for freshness , and fillers which add bulk and prevent other ingredients from sticking to each other .
20 She allows herself to have no possessions , only two sets of clothing and anything else she gets from charities goes straight into making homes and clinics which provide free health care to poor mothers for their children .
21 As well as a huge range of toothbrushes , Jordan makes a dental tape , floss and sticks which help eliminate plaque and prevent decay .
22 In this way , the respondent 's self-esteem is not severely diminished … the technique appears simple but requires an examination of the values and attitudes which shape our responses to others .
23 To help each pupil to acquire the skills , knowledge and attitudes which encourage the adoption of a physically active lifestyle and the maintenance of physical fitness throughout life .
24 A simpler solution than electoral reform is to abandon the policies and attitudes which have barred Labour from power , which is what Mr Kinnock has been about .
25 There is often a shared pattern of experiences , beliefs and attitudes which have all arisen within their particular generation and which can never be fully shared by younger people .
26 … This means that the social traditions , values and attitudes which exist in any society can not be brushed aside .
27 To the urban dweller , all woods look the same , but in landscape terms we must be careful to distinguish between the wildwood ( the remnant or successor of the natural or semi-natural woodland of Britain — which certainly does not exist anywhere today and probably has not since the Roman period ) and woods which have been to a greater or lesser degree managed for the production of timber and wood ( Fig. 63 ) .
28 There are ways of communicating perfectly reasonable requests and views which win acceptance , and others which create conflict .
29 It was pointed out that the Northern Ireland Council on Disability was in the process of investigating the services different agencies are providing for disabled people — not just in relation to physical access , but also in relation to access to the network of information on different services and projects which exclude disability interests .
30 Theory and practice are integrated throughout the course , with students undertaking a wide variety of practical exercises and projects which reinforce and build upon lecture material .
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