Example sentences of "and [noun pl] [v-ing] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The Norman Towers — Entering through these it is easy to imagine the Knights of the Middle Ages setting off for battle , banners flying and a host of bowmen and falconers bringing up the rear .
2 The interesting feature is the variety of sub-topics and activities arising out of this one unit , offering to pupils a considerable element of choice as well as of imaginative " playing-out " .
3 But you do collect bumps and bruises falling off windsurfers , so we insist on medical insurance .
4 For instance , there is no more depressing sight than horses and ponies standing miserably in a muddy field .
5 I gazed at the devastation from behind a stone horsetrough , lying flat on my face as another explosion sent lumps of metal and cobblestones clattering on to the roofs of the farm buildings .
6 Fussily revolving , backdrops coming down , windows and lamps flying in and out , it is a feast of irrelevant attractiveness .
7 Groovy graveyards full of dank and menacing shapes and subtly swirling green fog and evil zombies with attitude and maps showing exactly where you live and how to get there on public transport !
8 Then a long hit sent ponies and riders thundering away .
9 The other hand , also in a clenched fist position , is tucked in against the opposite side of the body , with the thumb and fingers facing upwards .
10 He told Rufus to drive a bit more slowly and this time he spotted the six-foot-wide gap in the hedge with , on the right-hand side , almost hidden by cow parsley growing up and elderflowers hanging down , the wooden box on legs with its hinged lid into which Hilbert's-mail and newspapers and milk had been delivered .
11 Its principal hall , which still stands , is as long and as narrow as a ship , with delicately carved kiosks and balconies projecting out over the lake .
12 Indeed , in retrospect , the thought of Stanier and Fowler 2–6–4T 's and Black Fives on local trains , and Super D's , Stanier 8F 's , and Austerities trundling along with freight parcels trains of considerable variety is positively mouth watering .
13 The clothes , the buildings , the pitch and intonation of voices speaking Amharic ; the smell of rancid butter , of red peppers and burning cow dung that permeated the town ; the packs of savage dogs that roamed the streets and whose howling rose and fell through the night ; an occasional corpse hanging on the gallows-tree ; beggars who had lost a hand or foot for theft ; debtors and creditors wandering round chained together ; strings of donkeys bringing in firewood ; caravans of mules ; the crowded market where men and women squatted on the ground , selling earthen pots , lengths of cloths , skins , cartridges , bars of salt , silver ornaments , heaps of grain , vegetables , beer — all this combined to create a scene and an atmosphere unlike any other in the world .
14 WHAT with car-jackings , smash-and-grab raids and bombs going off in the car park at the World Trade Centre , no wonder American motorists are turning to Bill O'Gara .
15 Yon Balberith is reet big orrid ruffy beast wi gurt black beard full o rats and green teeth gnashing and a grinding and flames coming out o bum that 'd take wallpaper off front parlor .
16 Now , I wonder if there are advertisers and schedulers , well I know there are advertiser and schedulers watching out there !
17 It is n't always straightforward to get , say , Frenchmen and Germans working together successfully or even people from southern Italy working well with those from the north .
18 The bands playing tonight are secondary to the club itself , a gentle womb-like receptacle for hardened humanity , draped and gently lit , with baubles and bobbles dangling overhead and a vast array of music everywhere .
19 Behind him , Paxton 's body lay amongst the frozen dancers and entertainers smiling down blankly as if welcoming him .
20 Foreign merchants were still to be permitted to enter the country , but Russian subjects were not to be allowed to leave and Russians living abroad were summoned home .
21 The new station , consisting of the by then classic steel , concrete , and glass concourse with facilities around its outer flanks and with steps and ramps leading down to the platforms below , gave a new twist to the separation of passengers and baggage regarded as an ideal at so many American stations .
22 and footprints going nowhere
23 A good picture tells a story , says the old newspaper adage , but unless the recipient is psychic it will at least need the name of people and products filling in .
24 With only two circuits to book , and programmes changing less frequently than hitherto , fewer films were required .
25 Of the twenty-nine entries on the full list of sites and institutions receiving more than 100,000 visitors in 1991 , only the Blue Grotto and the Egyptian Museum in Turin saw visitor numbers rise in comparison with 1990 .
26 THIS expanded network of popular committees and institutions making up the Unified leadership is infused by tens of thousands of activists who belong to , or identify with , the different factions of the PLO .
27 Battle of Britain 50th Anniversary Fly Past Spitfires and Hurricanes flying up the Mall on September 15th .
28 In March this year , the hotel moved on to TQM2 : Team Building , with three day seminars for managers and associates working together in groups of ten , all from different departments to further interdepartmental understanding .
29 A person of ‘ quality ’ — such as a member of the landed gentry or the clergy — would be at the top of their scale , commanding a funeral similar to that organized by the College of Arms for a knight bachelor , with paupers and wayfarers coming in at the bottom .
30 Many gardeners believe that an informal pool should be planted liberally , with waterlilies obscuring areas of the water surface , and reeds and rushes tumbling in from the garden .
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