Example sentences of "and [adv] [adv] by " in BNC.

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1 But it was agreed on all sides , and most importantly by Graham Watson himself , that his instructions were that the fee was to go to a charitable organisation flying relief into Biafra .
2 It is now supported in many quarters and most importantly by disabled people themselves .
3 Economic confidence was raised further by trade deregulation and liberalization , low interest rates and most notably by negotiations to establish a free trade agreement ( FTA ) with the United States and Canada [ see p. 37849 ; for April 1991 talks see p. 38140 ] .
4 In recent years , however , the impassioned and intelligent dinner conversations held over hearty cassoulets , with rapidly emptying bottles of Beauj' or Burgundy , have become the subject of satire ( primarily and most successfully by The Guardian 's cartoonist Posy Simmonds ) .
5 For even he , the most sceptical perhaps of all , had been persuaded in the end by the professional judgement of the men at the Zoological Society , and most particularly by John Gould .
6 Although modern research has pointed out that women 's paid employment is underestimated by the available records ( in particular the census ) , since it was more irregular and less likely to be recorded than that of men , women 's choice of work was certainly in practice severely restricted , first and most crucially by what was effectively segregation by sex , secondly by local opportunities .
7 The ‘ belief ’ spreads , through persuasion , communal pressures , and most usefully by indoctrinating children before they have a chance to think for themselves .
8 The claim has been repeatedly made by Opposition Members , and most recently by the hon. Member for Renfrew , West and Inverclyde ( Mr. Graham ) , who is not in his place today , that we are starving local government of resources .
9 The rise of Christianity was opposed by the Romans , and most famously by Nero , whose persecutions of the earliest Christians started around 64AD .
10 The more southerly route lay across a gap in the Urals to the Irtysh and thence , after the Tatar khanate had been defeated , up the middle Ob and its tributaries , such as the Ket , to where a portage led to the middle reaches of the Yenisei ; from here they ascended the Upper ( or ‘ Stony ’ ) Tunguska as far as the Ilim , and so either by portage to the Lena or up the Angara towards Lake Baikal .
11 Edward V was in his hands , and so probably by this date was Clarence 's son , Edward earl of Warwick , who was barred by his father 's attainder , but whose title was otherwise better than Richard 's own .
12 Edward V was in his hands , and so probably by this date was Clarence 's son , Edward earl of Warwick , who was barred by his father 's attainder , but whose title was otherwise better than Richard 's own .
13 You can compensate for using more time working a really special border and so on by speeding up on the main sections .
14 It has been known for a long time , and has led to the more modern practice called ‘ foliar feeding ’ , in which the purpose is not so much to correct deficiencies , but to encourage a boost in performance , yield and so on by spraying major element solutions on to the leaves in the same way .
15 One of the assumptions that underlies a traditional approach to the role of the tutor is the idea that more effort , direction , control , leadership , motivation and so on by the tutor is better .
16 The simplest way to remedy this is to replace Rate 1 , Rate 2 and so on by their monetary values and this is what has been done here — notice that cells F3 , G3 , H3 and so on now contain values and that these cells have been formatted to display currency .
17 The key question is whether , after decades of exposure to the various ‘ risk factors ’ , it is possible to reduce the frequency of coronary events and the deaths they may cause in men in the highest-risk categories , by altering the way of life of these men , and perhaps also by giving them appropriate drugs .
18 It has been stated that the principle of primogenital succession was increasingly observed in the eleventh century ; but there was a substantial difference between accepting the customary right of the eldest son to succeed , if he were of age and competent , and accepting it as an inviolable rule , as was proved by the usurpation of Robert the Frisian , and perhaps also by the succession of Raymond IV of Toulouse ( though here the facts are rather uncertain ) .
19 It has often been suggested that the active self-government practised by the Athenians was only made possible by the existence of slavery , and perhaps also by the existence of empire as a source of revenue to pay for democracy .
20 From 1836 he visited Italy on more than one occasion , but these travels appear to have been prompted more by recreational than professional pursuits — he made a collection of Roman coins , medals , and other antiquities — and perhaps also by the state of his health .
21 Most shares change in price most days — usually by very little and only infrequently by quite a lot , and then very rarely by a huge amount , say 50 per cent or more .
22 Specific changes were determined primarily by the head and senior management team and only latterly by the rest of the staff .
23 Flows of materials and energy have been primarily determined by market structures and economics and only secondarily by ecological factors .
24 Chasseguet-Smirgel ( 1985 ) suggests that a woman 's ego-ideal is constructed first by identification with the mother , and only then by a redefinition of herself as the father 's wife .
25 Only when she was on the other side of the car could she gain a clear view of Maurice and only then by closing to within a few yards .
26 1978 ) explain the existence of moral entrepreneurial groups in the 1960s by reference firstly to their common location in the class structure , and only secondly by reference to their religious views , and their perception of the modern ‘ secular ’ world .
27 A workforce sufficient in numbers or supply but not in skill level as evidenced usually by quality of work and less frequently by failures to meet production targets , danger to people and damage to equipment
28 Such special studies for research purposes , Greenbaum and his colleagues thought , could be done ‘ more precisely and less expensively by smaller studies ’ .
29 It 's cheaper and much quicker by air !
30 Differs from Buzzard in its unbarred tail ( white with a dark band near tip ) , conspicuous black patch at angle of very pale underwing , and usually also by paler head and neck and broad brown breast-band .
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