Example sentences of "and [pers pn] had [art] " in BNC.

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1 For the first time , Shirnette and me had a real fight , because of what I hated most .
2 And it seems to have happened because thirty years ago everybody like Jerry and me had a repayment mortgage which meant there were very few endowment mortgages .
3 Barry and me had an almost mystical rapport when it came to stuff like this .
4 She disappeared out the back again and Katrina and I had a blitz on the cleaning , finishing up behind the counter .
5 ‘ I felt numb from the neck upwards , which is the ideal way to play this game , ’ he said , ‘ and I had a little lesson yesterday from my friend David Jones . ’
6 Alastair and I had a six-course breakfast in Edinburgh . ’
7 And I had a strong need to pit myself against her many suitors , and win .
8 At dusk , on Thursday , in the square outside Conservative Central Office , a television reporter and I had a brief talk .
9 After visiting No 10 , the outspoken MP for Derbyshire South and former junior health minister , said : ‘ The Prime Minister and I had a long and friendly discussion , and I was very honoured to be asked to join his Government .
10 FOR YEARS , SOME FRIENDS AND I HAD A HABIT OF HIRING A COTTAGE somewhere deep in the Highlands at New Year .
11 We got on real well and I had a lot of fun that week .
12 JTR and I had a new door to walk through practically every night .
13 I remember walking down there at night and I had a cough .
14 My friend had a leopard skin and I had a coney seal with a mink marmot collar and cuffs .
15 When the truck had dumped me and my kit-bag at the Guard Room and I had a chance to look around me , I spied in the middle distance a cluster of substantial looking buildings .
16 And I had a slight mishap , the simplest thing in the world , really , when I was using a shovel in the calf house .
17 ‘ I apologize for my son , ’ he said wearily , and I had a convincing impression that he 'd apologized countless times before .
18 Mother-of-four Dawn adds , ‘ Kim and I had a cry together and I told her that just because I loved Colin , it did n't mean I 'd stopped loving her . ’
19 Eva and Charlie and I had a drink and talked about other things .
20 TIMOTHY and I had a wonderful time in Lourdes and I feel so much comfort from it .
21 LOURDES is a very special place , there I felt humble and I had a realisation that no matter what pain or trouble I had I was by no means alone .
22 I tell you , I 've had Sound Citys , which were garbage , Marshall , which I found unreliable and kind of loud , Roland Jazz Chorus 120s — I 've used those live with the distortion button turned on — and I had a Music Man amp for a while .
23 ‘ Yes , well there again , after he came out of the Army he was still doing a lot of movies , and I had a recording studio in Nashville ; D.J here was living there , too , doing sessions .
24 And I had a vague sense that someone was making a film of us making the film ! )
25 I never met him , but my brother and I had a glimpse of him at Paddington in 1940 , when he took Ivy and Margaret to Woodstock .
26 He went and I had a few miserable weeks .
27 Kelly and I had a cry then .
28 ‘ Obviously , I have a tremendous amount of memories from here and I had a tremendous amount of success here , too .
29 Charles Fleming and I had a chance to look around the beautiful shops , and eat out at the RED SEA PALACE HOTEL ( pure magic by the way ) .
30 ‘ At 28ft the front window cracked and I had a job getting up again' he writes , the Prime Minister did not approve of such risks by senior officers , but the CCO felt his men expected such leadership .
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