Example sentences of "and [pers pn] think it " in BNC.

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1 And I think it was right to argue that the book has its ‘ strict disclaimers ’ and that goodness of heart , chiefly Jenny 's , is defensively displayed amid a welter of misconduct .
2 The bolting is clearly against the BMC 's policy and I think it is extremely unlikely that the BMC 's committee of management will accept any kind of amendment to that policy .
3 And I think it could be maintained that when Pound left
4 ‘ I loved the song , and I think it should have been a hit , but there again the record company did nothing to promote it .
5 And I think it will be a great success .
6 I used to see him every day , basically , every night , just working with him in the studio and stuff , and I think it will always be there , thinking of him and everything .
7 David had always liked Mott The Hoople and admired them , and I think it was one of the few really unselfish acts he did when , when they were on the verge of breaking up , he wrote them a song — ‘ All The Young Dudes ’ .
8 When he was younger he 'd write songs about a laughing gnome , or a song about a laughing policeman , and I think it was a great outlet for David because he could almost blow his character out of all proportion and be able to pretend whatever he wanted to pretend , which is what actors and pop stars do .
9 Dana was steadily centred right in the middle of Libra , and so could be regarded as a perfectly balanced human being , with a true equivalence of male and female , physical and intellectual , animal and spiritual , and I think it was from this delicate balance , never upset , that his magnetic force of personality derived .
10 And I think it is very easily underestimated by twentieth-century minds .
11 At the time of the funeral a set form of words is used and I think it is helpful to look at what sense these words can convey to this majority population who are not regular church attenders .
12 But I have often asked myself what it is that drew me to Sibelius 's music and I think it is that he is a composer who can not really be compared to anyone else .
13 Her sister thinks of this pain all day and night and says it is the worst part and I think it is , worse even than how it is to end .
14 My routine 's a secret , and I think it 's working , ’ were his responses to this inquirer as he sought the bolt-hole of the champions ' locker-room yesterday .
15 He has no complaint : ‘ I 've been five years and I think it 's only fair that someone else should have a chance . ’
16 It 's like playing for a country and I think it will always remain so , ’ he said .
17 On a video-film made at Highlander entitled ‘ Save our Land and People , ’ a variety of these groups speak to each other about their own problems and possible solutions , hopes and fears , and I think it is no accident that some of the most beautiful music and evocative songs which I have heard for a long time comes from these people .
18 Mr Grayson replied : ‘ If we can assume that the same degree of care is taken in all countries showing — and I think it is true , certainly , of Switzerland and West Germany — beech observations , then you could certainly say that the health of beech trees reflected in crown condition must be borne out by observation . ’
19 But may I point out to you , Dr. Briant , that I for one — and I think it likely that the audience feels much as I do — find the material you are giving us in so admirably concise and ordered a manner is not as intelligible as it might be , since we are ordinary simple souls ?
20 The scientists and philosophers — and I think it 's significant that scientific study used to be called natural philosophy — they think in a big way , about yesterday and tomorrow , about the whole great sweep of mankind in the world .
21 Over the years I suppose I 've become known as a dotty naturalist but I try to be rational and I think it 's a pity the Greens are n't more practical .
22 I think the Arabs have the same rights as the Jews and I think it is a tragedy of history that a people who are refugees make new refugees .
23 I think the Arabs have the same rights as the Jews and I think it is a tragedy of history that a people who are refugees make new refugees .
24 As I recall , he had not been initially so preoccupied with the peace treaty when it was drawn up at the end of the Great War , and I think it is fair to say that his interest was prompted not so much by an analysis of the treaty , but by his friendship with Herr Karl-Heinz Bremann .
25 It should n't be and I think it 's a very sad reflection on the human race that it often is . ’
26 But that 's fine because now we are becoming successful , and I think it 's very interesting that The Smiths can survive , nonetheless , even though we all feel this way .
27 But we got some of that pressure off right away , and I think it proved very important as far as the way the tournament went from then on .
28 Keith was with him through all of it and I think it made them very close , ’ adds Rigby .
29 ‘ Very likely ; and I think it would come under the heading of overwork .
30 ‘ You can exclude me from the all round , Mother ; and I think it 's a little late for you to say you 're trying to be calm and helpful .
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