Example sentences of "and [pers pn] think if " in BNC.

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1 You do see this much more in foreign companies and I think if we in Britain could match the physical and the vocal more we would really be on top with our training resources .
2 And I think if you start analysing it and trying to think back to how or why , or questioning why it happened , you start worrying about whether it 's going to happen again , and then it wo n't happen .
3 And I think if we had n't gone we could be like that — it changes you .
4 And I think if we could make it get one of the Uttlesford chaps to the same meeting
5 Erm so there must be somebody responsible and I think if , if we write swimming pool and people take their cans there
6 And I think if we concentrated on that , otherwise even with the publicity group , you 'd end up with them saying well what
7 We 're extremely interested in the women we try to treat them as individuals we cope with a lot of problems and I think if we look as women as individuals , each individual woman has a different problem .
8 sharing your life with someone , you want to be with that person and you know that if any thing happens you 've got that person to rely on and I think if your alone you do n't have that .
9 And I think if there was a referendum in Scotland it might turn out that many people here wanted the monarchy ended .
10 to , because , one of the main points about the embarrassing er aspect , mainly boys sniggering and giggling , whatever , maybe some girls do , but it 's mainly er , males , I think a point to be made there is , it is a well known fact that boys took longer to mature emotionally than girls and I think if it was a guy a younger guy , maybe in his late twenties , early thirties teaching it , and if he had the sort of guts to turn round and the bravery to say look son , what is it you 're laughing at , what 's so funny ?
11 Erm it does n't give you a headache it helps to maybe cure a headache , and it 's just nice smelling and I think if you were just to even with your partners or with friends even just massage somebody 's hands or massage somebody 's feet if you do n't make them scream while you 're doing it .
12 ‘ Why , my lord , when we were left alone — and I think if they had not been in such haste to move on they would not have left a man of us alive to tell the tale — we first tended the worst hurt , and took counsel , and decided we must take the news on to Ramsey , and also back here to Shrewsbury .
13 But er I would warn you about er er accounts which obviously tie your money for a lot longer than maybe six months or a year because you 're always at the mercy of the er of the er building society then if their rates turn down or if you want access , you 've got penalties , and I think if , there 's no point in chasing interest rates through building societies generally , because if you take an average over five years , there is n't a lot of difference between one society and another .
14 The way I put it was intentional and I think if we had n't been sitting in full view of some dozen of the hotel 's guests he would have hit me .
15 And I think if you 're going to open it up , you must consider probably a wicker gate or something s so that a child can not run onto Road .
16 And I think if we look at the effects of the internal market in this situation , what the internal market will achieve is er a situation where this community and all the neighbouring communities that use will be
17 Yeah that 's a big and my and that stuck out the bucket like that , well going over the top we had a hood over the top tumbler to stop the flashing , so my father stopped , thinking that was a bit of wood and were gon na break the top of the tumbler , so he stop and out and scrubbed it and found that was this bone and I think if my memory serve me right that 's in the , the Fleet Museum now .
18 Well , I think a lot of what happens in the academic world is , and my guess is the fundamental reason they get away with it , is that young people wo n't buy much , spending their own money on it , and I think if they were , you could n't serve up a lot of the crap that passes for higher education today .
19 And I think if if people like Thomson can sort of give him that sort of service he 's going to make life awfully difficult for the Forest de central defence .
20 Well I have no see no evidence for that suggestion , and I think if the panel are going to accept this suggestion , then evidence or some some sort of information should be put forward to back it , because I do n't accept that it 's it 's necessarily the case .
21 erm , where I set out my interpretation of what that means , and I do n't think it 's very helpful to read that out to you , but I think you will find that it 's er erm a very broad er description of what the new settlement should be seeking to achieve , now Mr erm I think has misunderstood our position on this question of erm the appropriate size for the new settlement , and I think if I 'm correct he suggested that we were promoting a a size of fourteen hundred , the point I think I would make is that the larger the new settlement erm the greater the range and the quality of services and facilities that can be provided , and I think you have to distinguish between what developers say they are prepared to provide , on the one hand in a new settlement , whatever the size , the quality of the retail or recreational social facility that occupies that physical provision , and also its long term viability , and I would suggest that a larger new settlement of the size that we are suggesting , is much more likely to er attract a range of quality providers of services and facilities than a smaller new settlement , and also Mr Grantham er raised the issue of the question of the development program , and what might be expected in terms of services and erm during the development program , and of course I think that would be a matter for any specific proposal , or a ma a matter of discussion between the local planning authority concerned and the developer , and I would expect it to be something erm that was included within a section one O six agreement .
22 Second will guarantee a UEFA place , and I think if Leeds can get out of the rut of drawing so many of their recent games they will attain this position .
23 The cost saving in the preventative work , er , fall falls later on in the system , and that might not even accrue back to local government , and that 's the problem and I think if there was some specific erm , government grants that enabled local authorities to really get to grips with the preventative elements and could should that , that reduced overall government spending on the other end , on the impact end , I mean , I think we would be , we would be sort of making very much headway , but there does n't seem to be that specific initiative at this particular stage .
24 And the final thing on three two er the question of how far I know this has not been asked today I do n't people with er three or four page briefing get the summary I do think that the sort of and there 's a great deal of voluntary activity going on and I think if we can support that , that would , be that would be great .
25 the er , erm , so I mean , we really have made major strides and I think if members look at the location maps I mean you can see just how we how widely spread the day centres now are .
26 And I think if you look at lessons such as the Cambridge situation , you can have distances of separation between a new village and surrounding settlements and it 's as little as six hundred metres , depending on localized matters .
27 On Harrogate , erm I think the discussions have clarified a lot of the the sort of outstanding issues that that er were between perhaps the County Council and erm Professor Lock , er not so much between ourselves and Harrogate , although we have the the issue , and I think if I read it right , this could well be er the only issue that is between us in the Harrogate area , the issue of the strategic sites .
28 Er and seek good qualified er Consultants to carry out the work which could be deliberated on by the various Committees of the County Council and the District and that work has been done and I think if I saw anything Chairman from the meeting on the twenty second of December at St Albans , it was that form very first time three political parties took up the policy and they started to address particular issues er er er we believe less measures partaken .
29 One of the major problems for us , whichever Party 's in in control , and I think if Councillor had gone to the press after this report was done and , rather than trying to score points and saying it 's all because it 's lack of Government cash , if he 'd appli if he 'd said , let's all get together on this , let's try and solve the problem , the problem 's been going on indefinitely , let's try and s , he might have gained more credibility .
30 My Lord I think it 's right that that it 's clear from the discussions I 've had with Mr that the plaintiff is going to be in the witness box for some considerable time and I think if your Lordship 's had an opportunity to read the witness statement , seen the areas of dispute , the nature of the the fact that arised and had a look at some of the documentation , it would be much er er a much speedier process than it would otherwise be .
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