Example sentences of "and [pers pn] see [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 I nodded , and she closed her eyes and I saw her shoulders slump a little .
2 While I contemplated her , she continued to look about with uneasy glances like a trapped animal , and I saw her breasts move with her breathing .
3 No and I saw her type a letter and sign it as clear as anything .
4 And I saw your mother and I was going on saying all your virtues and how she 's been a good girl , how does that , how er , how erm self discipline she was and all this is on the tape
5 And I saw my bag in his hand .
6 Crossbills and red squirrels showered stripped pinecones around me , and I saw my first crested tits , trapezing in the canopy .
7 We arrived home at last on April 13th , 1702 , and I saw my dear wife and children again .
8 The bed was made , and I saw my duffel bag lying on it .
9 I saw my mother once a day at dinner time and I saw my father three or four times a week , but they never gave me any love .
10 The old man turned the key and I saw my chance .
11 There was a ripple of applause , and I saw his lordship exchange a look with Sir David .
12 He turned to me slowly , and I saw his face , expressionless in its blackness , with his yellow eyes fixed on me coldly , like an animal 's .
13 And … and I saw his face ! ’
14 Then he took off his mask , and I saw his face . ’
15 I went close , I kneeled , and I saw his face then .
16 He did n't answer and I saw his lips quiver slightly .
17 For a second we were close and I saw his eyes .
18 He stopped dictating to take a phone call and I saw his face become shocked , then very grave .
19 er , grass cutting in Borough Council , and I see their contract is up for renewal next year , is about the most disgusting grass cutting you could ever wish to see .
20 Then last November , I went to see her , she was out , and I see her Press Officer .
21 Nobody must have been his bombardier , mine was and my navigator was and I see his would have been .
22 I was walking along with my girl and I see my old man and I was scared , you know , smoking , but at the same time I did n't want to throw it away because my girl was there , you know , and she 'd see it , and I just kept on walking and my old man stopped and said to me , ‘ Give me a light ’ , and I give him a light , and he said , ‘ I 'm away to the shops ’ , and I was , you know , thinking , I can get away with this .
23 And I see your poor mother wandering up the town
24 And you know them and you see them when they look like shit in the morning and you see their
25 There is dust on a table and you see your friend looking at it .
26 And , and you see your thanks are due to a Mr William .
27 Finnan is my name , and you see my craft and my trade before you . ’
28 Anthony 's voice opened Julia 's eyes and she saw her sister-in-law standing in the doorway wearing a most remarkable dress .
29 Ruth was horrified when they went below and she saw their sleeping space .
30 The man looked down at her at once , and she saw his face .
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