Example sentences of "and [adj] that [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 A police officer said his corpse was so charred and mutilated that it took more than an hour to identify it .
2 A police officer said his corpse was so charred and mutilated that it took more than an hour to identify it .
3 The stench from it filled our cell , making us feel nauseous and apprehensive that we , too , might catch whatever it was they were suffering from .
4 Donna saw it in the rear-view mirror , convinced and elated that she 'd done it crippling damage .
5 Dixie lies so still and bloody that I do n't need to touch him .
6 It would seem that your general behaviour and sense of discipline has become so lax and sloppy that you do not even remember serious breaches of conduct .
7 Do other countries have the same distinction between amateur and professional that we do ?
8 I did wonder if it was a nightmare because it 's so vivid … have you ever had something you remember from your childhood which was so horrible and awful that you 're not quite sure whether it was real or a nightmare ?
9 Most crucial of all , the royal couple themselves , with their thin permeable skins , will die if the atmosphere gets so hot and dry that they lose their body fluids or if they are badly chilled , and this may mean the end of the whole colony .
10 The initial hypothesis suggested above about baptism being more a social than a religious ceremony is so general and broad that it obviously can not be tested without being broken down into its constituent parts .
11 His memory of her had been indistinct , a little French woman speaking only in soft whispers , so frail and quiet and hesitant that she had seemed almost transparent beside Cara , hardly there at all .
12 Luckily , the gas had left me feeling so foul and depressed that I was almost looking forward to it , feeling faintly curious about what form it would take .
13 ‘ What 's so urgent and private that you could n't discuss it over the telephone ? ’
14 In order to read the story they must find it interesting or useful , and it must not be so detailed and technical that they can not understand it .
15 Feeling flustered and guilty that I had departed from my normal custom of never working on a pupil 's painting , I foolishly replied " Yes " .
16 It was absurd that she had n't guessed straightaway and absurd that he should be standing in a telephone booth somewhere , talking about a queue forming .
17 In fact it is so fluent , precise and subtle that we often fail to notice it .
18 Once the winter rains have passed , Delhi experiences two months of weather so perfect and blissful that they almost compensate for the climatic extremes of the other ten months of the year .
19 In the course of many years the accumulation of mal had made the soil in the paddy fields so dark and rich that it was used as a black dye , together with the red and green dyes from wild plants and flowers , for printing skirts .
20 For it is both sinful and shameful that you have laid this accusation against me , for I am an old woman , and lame .
21 The phrasing got so slow and emphatic that you knew that she wanted you to listen to and weigh up every single word ; but you could n't tell if each word was freighted with anger , or bitterness , or joy ; it just came out with great , quiet force , and you had to work out its tone for yourself .
22 He was so big and strong that I always felt hopelessly trapped in that chair with his bulk over me and the wheel grinding and the pedal thumping .
23 If he is afraid of compromising himself in the eyes of Messrs Goupil and Co by keeping in touch with me , is his position with those gentlemen so shaky and unstable that he is obliged to be so careful ? ’
24 She is so startled and afraid that she complies .
25 Hope was trembling and afraid that he might give too much away .
26 Backstage they were all screaming at Gesner ; Stefan — ‘ You do that again and I 'll bring the curtain down ’ — Alfred , Freddi , Ingrid , Rudi , everyone was shaken , aware that he had nearly wrecked the entire production , and afraid that he still might .
27 ‘ I found collecting watercolours so rewarding and interesting that I 'm slowly turning my hobby into a part-time business , ’ she says .
28 If Pollard 's architecture is so disposable and flippant that it is odd to call him a ‘ patron ’ , Palumbo 's patronage is so single-minded that he can hardly be called a developer .
29 The right hon. Gentleman said : ’ That is a firm commitment , costed and clear that I pledge our Labour Government will carry out . ’
30 The opportunities opened up by the technical innovations are so large and exciting that it is hard to grasp the full extent of the change .
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