Example sentences of "and [prep] [adj] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 It would be , in fact , in the nature of a political decision and as such one which Civil Servants are accustomed to leave to their masters .
2 He had been dealing with them on and off all his life .
3 For the past ten years she has been teaching part time at Roedean and between 1987–9 she completed a part time M.A. at Sussex University in Northern Renaissance Studies .
4 Not only is there a division among the English , the Scottish , and the Welsh ; there is also a division between Gaelic-speaking Scots and those who do not speak Gaelic , and between those who do and do not speak the Welsh language in Wales .
5 In their study of the civic culture , Almond and Verba found that there were differences in attitude toward government between those with different levels of education , and between those who had received some formal education and those who had received none .
6 It was possible to settle for Canning 's amelioration policy which , if it worked properly ( and about this there was some scepticism ) , should itself bring enlightenment to slave-owners as to their own best interests .
7 Once you have collected the data from those who have joined the church and about those who have left , then decide what action you will need to take to correct any deficiencies in attracting and holding people .
8 ( Confidingly ) Now for a handful of guilders I happen to have a private and uncut performance of the Rape of the Sabine Women — or rather woman , or rather Alfred — ( Over his shoulder ) Get your skirt on , Alfred — ( The BOY starts struggling into a female robe. ) … and for eight you can participate .
9 No one saw Charles and Dimity arrive , and for that they were grateful .
10 She was very kind to the patients , and for that they would gladly have forgiven her personal idiosyncrasies , if they noticed them , which was unlikely .
11 He wanted to do a Beatle medley and for that we made four cut-out caricatures of The Beatles in hardboard and painted them and then fitted them on frames and easels so that they could be stood up and moved around .
12 ‘ At least Farrah is safe and well and for that we are grateful .
13 I mean , I remember mother saying that , you see mother had never seen the sea till she joined the Guild and they decided to save for an outing , and then the next thing I can remember was that we used to have these stamps every week and I think it come to two and ninepence erm and for that we went to Rhyl .
14 There was a recognition of the hidden agenda and the response of the Trade Union Movement was overwhelming and for that we are grateful .
15 ‘ You have been at some personal pains , ’ said the king in the same quiet voice , ‘ to bring us an eye-witness ’ account , and for that we thank you .
16 And for that we owe you our thanks , ’ acknowledged Matilda , unwittingly turning the knife in her listener 's heart .
17 We need to develop a good strong home market , and for that we need relatively light taxation so that people have more money in their pockets to spend .
18 But this is n't the worst of Saddam , I mean , this is er , a human tragedy for all the families involved and it concerns individual lives , and for that we 're always very upset .
19 It expressed the feelings of many with its claim : " In moral terms we are creditors ; and for that we shall pay $140 million a year for the rest of the twentieth century . "
20 Now to this week 's competition , and for that we 've the ideal garment for winter sports fans .
21 to get in , three fifty each and then we paid another six pound , ten P and for that we had popcorn , Minstrels , one large Coke , a lot bigger than that and two small ones , and of course everything 's got like all this on
22 And for that we 'll pay the girls a retainer if you like to deliver from one customer to thirteen customers on that Saturday .
23 But one thing , on behalf of the museum services , I would like to thank Doreen Griffiths for the help she gave us in our exhibition , ’ Memories of Change ’ , which you can see in the exhibition room over there , and she contributed a lot of photographs , and her memories , and allowed herself to be taped and have her memories in our archive , and for that we give her a great thank , because it 's not always easy for the , sometimes for the first time to begin talking into a tape-recorder , so we thank her very much , and thank you very much for coming in and performing for us today !
24 The alternative was that Richard become my legal ward , and for that his father 's signed agreement was necessary .
25 But the poem of his that he most needed reassurance about was Homage to Sextus Propertius ( 1919 ) , and for that he had to wait a long time .
26 I was the first person to take him simply as he was , and for that he showed his gratitude by giving me a light kiss on the cheek in the darkened carriage .
27 Nicky has to find somewhere to live , and for that he needs money … .
28 He also underpaid us and for that he will be eternally grateful . ’
29 Anna Patricia O'Neil was born at a quarter after two the next morning , so Denis did n't get his Patrick after all , nor even his Denis , but he got his much-loved and hard-worked Hana back and for that he was grateful .
30 He is so particular about everything , and for that he deservedly gets terrific results .
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