Example sentences of "and [adj] [noun sg] was " in BNC.

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1 British doubts about EMU were brushed aside and Franco-German co-operation was confirmed as the foundation stone of the Community .
2 For example , in 1950 , the National Institute of Arthritis and Metabolic Disease was founded .
3 The HA-2-specific CTL clone , designated HA-2 ( ref. 25 ) , and the HLA-A2.1 alloreactive CTL clone were mixed with chromium-labelled targets at effector-to-target ratios of 10:1 and 1:1 , and specific lysis was measured in a 4-h chromium release assay ; values represent per cent specific lysis .
4 For example , the children were shown four pictures in each of which a cloaked and hooded figure was committing a ‘ crime ’ , namely , stealing flowers out of a garden , eating a cake , breaking into a jeweller 's shop , and painting red spots on a fence .
5 At the same time , Brother , a cowled and hooded figure was seen in the tavern near the Tower , and the same person , probably Burghgesh , also seen in Woodforde . ’
6 And if he was telling the truth , what terrible damage had been done unwittingly , and what incomprehensible and cruel outrage was to come of it ?
7 This deliberate and cruel humiliation was his revenge .
8 A band outside began to play the " Marseillaise " and iced champagne was served for the guests to toast the emperor and the New Year .
9 She knew that her presence and unwavering support was as important to the outcome as all the physical and psychological preparation that Lennox had been through in the past few months .
10 On many occasions … 1870 … 1873 [ and ] 1874 … disputes arose and armed collision was narrowly avoided .
11 With the coming of a child-centred approach to discipline , the old obsessive concern with orderly habits and unfailing obedience was discarded .
12 The AFO now called itself the Anti-Fascist People 's Freedom League ( AFPFL ) and its general secretary and political spokesman was Thakin Than Tun .
13 These people and a host of others provided ideas and helped to put them into effect ; the guiding hand and political boss was Franklin Roosevelt himself .
14 The communiqué noted the main problems of the period as follows : " Ideological and political education was neglected , we were over-anxious for quick results in economic development , overheated economy and inflation were caused , the national economy was over-decentralized in some aspects , and the state 's overall regulation and control ability was weakened . "
15 In that country for many years organisation at the social , cultural and political level was founded upon a system of ideological blocs .
16 The confidence which marked the early years of the reign that major liberal reforms could be introduced without endangering the social and political order was severely shaken .
17 Promotions in government service were likely to go to those officers who were able to make themselves useful politically , and if the connection between advancement and political activity was blatant in the case of Drummond , it was a link which long persisted , for even when revenue officers were deprived of the franchise , this did not materially alter the connection between holders of a revenue office and the politicians whose solicitations remained the usual route to advancement .
18 This complex pattern of social and political agitation was brought to a head by the outbreak of war between Russia and Japan ( January 1904–August 1905 ) .
19 rankled with the Caribbean public on whom the social and political significance was not lost .
20 According to Weber the city 's real social and political significance was limited to the particular historical circumstances of the mediaeval period .
21 The idea that large sums of money must be awarded to compensate people for words which " tend to lower them in the estimation of right-thinking members of society " smacks of an age when social and political life was lived in gentlemen 's clubs , when escutcheons could be blotted and society scandals resolved by writs for slander .
22 The Seljuks ' cultural and political dominance was soon overtaken by that of the Ottomans , a more powerful invading force from Central Asia , whose empire reached its peak in the 15th and 16th centuries and whose influence is still in evidence today .
23 Although the Caucasus was then part of Russia , it was not until the mid-20th century that its borders were defined and political stability was achieved .
24 Giving cautious backing to the Dengist campaign , Li nevertheless warned that the maintenance of social and political stability was the " prerequisite for reform " , and that the government had to " be on the watch for any ideological trend towards bourgeois liberalization , … otherwise there will be serious consequences " .
25 Experience alone most certainly did not secure an officer advancement in the customs administration and political interest was essential , as a letter received by Lord Panmure in 1739 made clear .
26 Fascism resulted from the frustration with , and alienation from , a system in which politicians were obsessed with the conventions of party politics to the detriment of the need for radical change ( highlighted by the First World War ) ; and radical change was vital if Britain 's accelerated economic and political decline was to be reversed .
27 In the Soviet Union the gulf between constitutional principle and political practice was explained by the central role of the CPSU .
28 The journalistic and political inference was that children in primary classrooms are not working nearly hard enough ; generally this was based on an aggregation of the percentages for ‘ routine ’ , ‘ awaiting attention ’ and ‘ distracted ’ to produce the claim that 40 per cent of time was ‘ wasted ’ .
29 The world complained about Adobe 's restrictions but all the major typesetter vendors realised that a single well defined and maintained standard was better than the previous chaos and so adopted Adobe 's PostScript .
30 Domesday Book makes it clear that large areas were wooded and that waste and underused land was widespread in 1086 .
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