Example sentences of "and [adj] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 However , this assumption does not take account of the substantial inter- and intra-embryo variation in developmental timing ( assessed with respect to morphological and/or cell cycle stage ) which is always encountered .
2 Overall it seems likely that the existence , speed and intensity-correlated behaviour of QPOs in AGNs will provide severe constraints on models .
3 The noise of wheels on uneven roads mingled with the voices of the elite as they alighted at their respective destinations and made their slow and stately way into the houses which had lights in every room from attic to cellar .
4 In a poem like the ‘ Express ’ I believe we are dealing with a very involved , indeed fanatical , view of the journey , movement and stately presence of a train which seems to overpower not just the author himself but also the very universe and natural world in which it exists .
5 Iris had an American cousin staying with her and had been too busy dragging him round every art gallery and stately home in the county to have time for her .
6 A fine draughtsman and noted expert in perspective , he was the first president of the Liverpool Society of Arts and exhibited in London at the Society of Artists .
7 Good negotiating discipline is to sum regularly , thereby ensuring points of progress are agreed and noted stage by stage .
8 Thus we conclude that intravenous ethanol , at least in the doses used , and intragastric infusion of low concentrations ( up to 5% ) of ethanol stimulate gastric acid secretion whereas intragastric infusion of higher concentrations has either no effect or a mildly inhibitory one .
9 This was suggested by the relative lack of change in rates of acid secretion and intragastric acidity on eradication of H pylori despite substantial falls in circulating gastrin concentrations , and by the suppression of acid secretion produced by H pylori on first infection .
10 In an acute experimental model of gut derived systemic endotoxaemia in mice , produced by simultaneous intravenous injection of serotonin and intragastric instillation of endotoxin , they found bentonite ( hydrated aluminium silicate : 75 mg ) , kaopectate ( 150 mg ) , and charcoal ( 25 mg ) to be effective in reducing endotoxaemia .
11 At the time they were living — ‘ pigging it ’ was the term they used — in a large and lush apartment in the best residential section .
12 Green feels reassuring and fertile due to its association with the rejuvenation and lush growth of spring .
13 His hair curled around his face , and he went to a small basin and swilled water from the tap , rubbing his face and head briskly with a towel .
14 The notion of giving up one 's rights to a ‘ whole community ’ or of submitting to a decision forthcoming from the community or a portion of it would be a strange and abhorrent idea to them ( Overing , in press ) .
15 There is a vast untapped genetic and metabolic biodiversity in nature that can also be harnessed .
16 They probably include the nature of the intraluminal contents , the emotional and metabolic state of the patient , and the location of the recording devices .
17 By 1991 , fuelled by Ministerial exasperation with continuing industrial action and union-led recalcitrance to changed working patterns , the structure of the Prison Service was once more under review .
18 Future plans for the Orangerie include the appointment of a professional director with financial acumen and specific experience of the art business .
19 Where you have a group of people and a brick comes out of the group and lands on a policeman 's head , then it 's very difficult for the law to attach individual and specific guilt to a particular individual .
20 Thus the Far Western technique provides a sensitive and specific assay for detection of proteins that can complex with CREB .
21 The binding was competed with 50 and 100ng of competitor as specified ; WT and AP1 are double stranded competitor DNAs and SSA and SSB are single stranded oligonucleotides Only the SSB strand had strong and specific binding in this assay .
22 Plasma CCK was measured by a sensitive and specific radioimmunoassay with antibody T204 .
23 Censorship of literature on political grounds was by no means new as Thompson 's history shows , and both Thompson and Noyce have demonstrated that the censorship of newspapers in particular ( especially those from the hard and radical left ) is common and endemic , so why this new and specific response by the Library Association ?
24 How can the Secretary of State conceivably claim that Her Majesty 's inspectorate is to be strengthened when its numbers are to be cut by two thirds and it is to be subject to clear and specific direction from the Secretary of State ?
25 A text , whether considered as a whole work or as an extract from a work , is the nearest we can get to a homogeneous and specific use of language .
26 We have discussed earlier ( Chapter 2 ) inflation risk , which is common to all bonds , and specific risk in the form of either business risk or financial risk , which depends on the industry or corporation that issues the bond .
27 Considering Franco 's lifelong and obsessive involvement with Morocco and his equally characteristic reluctance to relinquish territorial gains , the speed with which independence was granted to Spanish Morocco was extraordinary .
28 If one pursues an untheological and obsessive interest in demons , committed Christians cease to believe in them , and the Devil applauds .
29 It is : ‘ the cognitive-affective state characterised by intrusive and obsessive fantasising concerning reciprocity of amorant feeling by the object of the amorance . ’
30 The turmoil that emerged both immediately before and after Mayer 's departure epitomized , perhaps more than in any other of the major Hollywood studios , the convulsions of change that were sweeping through the film capital , eventually spawning an underground of new , raw and raucous talent of which Nicholson was to be part .
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