Example sentences of "and [adj] [pers pn] had " in BNC.

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1 She said and he picked them up and put them both together and it was seven hundred and odd she had to pay out , for her car !
2 Because there was no advice whatsoever , very few saved and only later realized how foolish and extravagant they had been :
3 Rachaela remembered how Mr Gerard had fired her , and how relevant and ominous it had been .
4 In scarlet and black they had written " Support the Women of Greenham Common " on the dull grey-green paint of a bridge two hundred yards from a police station .
5 ‘ My heart misgave me when I saw his livery at Parfois , for Isambard is close and confidential with him , and sure they had some business between them that bodes us no good here in Wales . ’
6 How naive and stupid she had been !
7 Although invariably kind and courteous he had the air of seeming not to be particularly interested in human beings — a somewhat doubtful quality in a parish priest , though it had its advantages .
8 On his arrival , he had asked for hot water to be brought up to his room at nine sharp the next morning , but the sight of one of the young servant girls struggling up the stairs from the kitchen with the huge kettle of boiling water had made him feel so guilty and ashamed he had not asked again .
9 I heard this with embarrassment , remembering how terribly bored and miserable I had been sitting there on a long hot afternoon , hardly understanding a word as chiefs and elders talked to our delegation in local dialect .
10 She had told him about her broken engagement and how deeply hurt and wary she had felt after it .
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