Example sentences of "and [noun sg] where [art] " in BNC.

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1 The hedgerows and pasture where the owls hunt their prey are disappearing as farmers create bigger fields for intensive arable farming .
2 Catering for tourists by providing caravans and bed and breakfast was the main activity , particularly so in Derbyshire and Speyside where the scenic beauty , which brings thousands of tourists to these areas , was being exploited .
3 They are used with effect for disinfecting crockery and cutlery where a mechanical dishwasher is not available and for small items of equipment in industry and retailing .
4 An example of environmental modelling and prediction where the interactions between different processes and dynamic feedback is taken into account is given by Haber and Schaller ( 1988 ) .
5 While some of the smells are merely for aesthetic use , the company 's main customers are in commerce and industry where the scents can be used to motivate employees or attract customers .
6 The lack of substantial commitments to action is widely seen as reflecting conflicting interests and clashes within the government , particularly among the Departments of Transport , Energy , Agriculture and Trade and Industry where the environment is a contentious issue .
7 This is even more the case in the aristocratic sports of hunting , shooting and fishing where the ‘ professionals , are literally servants — hunt-servants , stalkers , gillies .
8 A single mother I met in Sheffield has got housing , but in a Dickensian block of flats , on the fifth floor , with no lift , a damp kitchen , bathroom and hall where the wallpaper seems to stand up only out of inertia because it is n't sticking to the walls .
9 But on and after that date the Inheritance ( Family Provision ) Act 1938 gives to the dependants of a testator , and the Intestates ’ Estates Act 1952 gives to those of an intestate , power to apply to the court for a reasonable maintenance out of the estate , if such is not provided by the will , or the law of intestacy , or the combined operation of will and law where the intestacy was only partial .
10 But in considering the privilege against self-incrimination it is difficult to see any logical distinction between an order for discovery and disclosure where the defendant has stolen the plaintiff 's property and an order for discovery and disclosure where the plaintiff is seeking damages for fraud in dealings by the defendant with the property or moneys of the plaintiff .
11 But in considering the privilege against self-incrimination it is difficult to see any logical distinction between an order for discovery and disclosure where the defendant has stolen the plaintiff 's property and an order for discovery and disclosure where the plaintiff is seeking damages for fraud in dealings by the defendant with the property or moneys of the plaintiff .
12 There are other considerations too in cases of rape and incest where the female could not exercise her choice not to conceive .
13 The problem is particularly difficult in cases of rape and assault where the identification of the suspect by the victim carries great weight .
14 It is approached by a narrow and winding one-track lane two miles from the nearest village ; a place of peace and tranquillity where a Celtic saint founded a Christian settlement in the eighth century AD .
15 ‘ The Hammer ’ is a macabre and comic tale of greed , power and lust where the audience witnesses a concentration of all the most fundamental ingredients of theatre moving from grand opera , to intimate drama , to cinematic storytelling .
16 Since colorectal cancer is distributed predominantly in the distal large bowel and rectum where the CCPR is least , additional factors to those which cause cell proliferation may be important for tumourigenesis .
17 For me , having to enter the ground last Sunday through the area and tunnel where the crush had taken place was a chilling experience .
18 To reiterate , there are two main categories of relationship : the syntactic relationships mentioned above are , for example , evident in a topic such as Sugar and health where the concepts ‘ Sugar ’ and ‘ Health ’ are drawn together in this particular context .
19 The bar serves a vast first-floor sun terrace and pool where a pool side buffet lunch is available for a fixed price each day .
20 She swung round , confronting the patch of chalk and turf where the Mercedes had been .
21 Note that justices should ask for evidence of the time of sunset and sunrise where the exact time is in question and that this offence can be committed at any time .
22 Under the revised plan , a two-tier system would be introduced , distinguishing between land that has been investigated or treated , and land where the extent of contamination has yet to be assessed .
23 Students will already know that there are jobs in work areas such as Electronics and Physiotherapy where the subject requirements are quite specific and those who decide to enrol for one of these courses will have effectively chosen their career at the same time .
24 FBI agents have obtained photos of Gravier and both pilots and have visited the bases of LGA , NEM and HOU where the jet refuelled .
25 Note that attempts will be made wherever possible to conciliate between solicitor and client where the client is dissatisfied with the solicitor 's charges , and the dispute has not been resolved under the firm 's internal PR15 procedure .
26 This is true of the world of science and technology where the spirit of secularism has triumphed , and it is no different in the area of faith .
27 Hence the importance of professional markers in advertising and design where a client needs to approve an idea before committing resources to it .
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