Example sentences of "and [noun sg] on [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Thus the main regulations of 1981 ( as amended ) provide that the authority must make available information on all its schools and the authority 's policies on such matters as examination entries , special educational needs and charging and remission on charges .
2 And so there was all that reassurance and reliance on things like the contract .
3 Certain collections Mickey Mouse ephemera or period memorabilia need a range of different treatments to display them to their best advantage : dot pictures and plaques round the wall , arrange toys and crockery on shelves , lay rugs on the floor .
4 As Bateson ( 1973 ) argues , the psychological frame appropriate in discussing play or games is more akin to a picture frame than to the logical frame of a mathematical set : what is outside the picture frame is irrelevant and one can only make judgements of comparison and contrast on matters within the frame .
5 When expending time and money on negotiations or investigations , some vendors attempt to use the developer 's expertise free of charge to obtain a valuation and appraisal of the development potential of their site , even to the extent of the developer obtaining the necessary planning approval and resolving technical problems .
6 This is used for minor acts of disorder such as shouting and swearing which is likely to cause alarm or distress , displaying abusive or insulting slogans or throwing over dustbins and banking on doors in the common parts of blocks of flats .
7 That list was based on assets such as property , art works and income on royalties .
8 She became increasingly active as a speaker and writer on problems facing women workers .
9 This means that the user generally finds it easier to use and data from one program can be easily transferred to another , a feat requiring skill and patience on machines like the PC .
10 On the back of information collected for patient care will come aggregated information that can be used for resource management , budgeting , audit , and research on outcomes .
11 they go and critic on films
12 It was the Committee of Ministers which had the ability to determine budgets , decide on employment in the secretariat , and rule on applications for membership .
13 ‘ Such as acting as consultant and adviser on antiques generally — or in my case on one period .
14 They were intimately connected with the elements and could be petitioned to control rain and wind on mortals ' behalf .
15 Bodies that have particular input to and effect on issues of European spectrum management include the European Commission , which is taking an increasingly active interest in telecommunications and has identified two major tasks ahead for member states : the liberalisation of telecommunications services and the separation of regulatory and operational functions .
16 We will however be happy to discuss our ideas with you on June 8th and will thereafter provide ongoing support and guidance on points of law and other assistance .
17 The principal will gain valuable market information on competitive actions , the overseas business environment and feedback on promotions and new products .
18 Whatever the reason , repeated tests have shown that the inclusion of sufficient dietary fibre in meals prevents the excessive output of insulin which so often leads to hunger and snack-eating on diets in which the carbohydrates are processed and refined .
19 POOR workmanship , inadequate supervision and slipshod design standards have led to the £400 million bill for extra repair and maintenance on roads and bridges .
20 Britain relies for manganese , chromium and cobalt on countries in southern Africa , where the chances of unrest over the next decade are high .
21 The impact of poverty and disadvantage on children and families has been amply recorded in reports such as Born to Fail ?
22 Taligent was conceived as a standalone developer of technology ; HP has worked closely with IBM and Sun on objects and the deal for IBM to port its Distributed System Object Model — DSOM — to the HP 's PA RISC architecture is thought to have been the impetus for the COSE initiative ( UX No 425 ) .
23 Taligent was conceived as a stand-alone developer of technology : Hewlett-Packard has worked closely with IBM and Sun on objects and the deal for IBM to convert its Distributed Systems Object Model — DSOM — for Hewlett-Packard 's Precision Architecture RISC architecture is thought to have been the impetus for the Common Open Software Environment initiative .
24 Cheese and bread on Ings Breaking Day .
25 And it is this sort of awareness , which involves deliberation and reflection on instances of puzzlement , that allows children to exert increasing control over their mental life , ultimately leading to independence of thought .
26 The word processor extends opportunities for development and reflection on ideas and meanings , for example in designing , outlining and restructuring , and through the ability of writers to engage in dialogue with their own thoughts in the form of clean hard copy ( printed text ) .
27 The effects of job change and mobility on individuals and organisations have been investigated through cross-sectional and longitudinal studies of 200 graduate entrants to university , 120 police inspectors , and 2,300 middle to senior managers .
28 My own research in Mexico ( Sklair , 1989 , ch.7–9 ) similarly shows the impact of gender and ownership on wages to be very complex .
29 For advice and assistance on articles write to Mr R.A.Leyland , LL.B. , Hon.Sec. of the Society of County Secretaries , The Castle , Winchester SO23 8UJ , or Mrs M. Mullins , Asst.Sec. of the Association of District Secretaries , Smokey Acre , Broadoak Hill , Dundry , Bristol BS18 8NB .
30 These Savage Orcs were happy to continue in their old ways , using metal weapons and armour on occasions when they could steal or trade it , but on the whole sticking to their ancient traditions .
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