Example sentences of "of over a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 From the river 's edge it stretched back on to the plain for a distance of over a kilometre , and he thought that it must contain well over three thousand men .
2 After about forty minutes Van Gelder moved up into the bows with a portable six-inch searchlight which , on such a clear night , had an effective range of over a mile .
3 Often the outfall will be off-site and it may be necessary to provide a storm water sewer of over a mile to achieve an outfall acceptable to the water authority .
4 They can smell the bombykol released by a single female , at a distance of over a mile .
5 Most of them are not able to manage the walk of over a mile to the A6 to catch the Lancaster- Preston bus
6 The walk of over a mile to the nearest bus stop on the A6 can be very off-putting in bad weather .
7 Like her earlier Stand We At Last , which told the story of over a century of Western feminism , Daddy 's Girls shows Zoƫ Fairbairns to be adept at recreating detail and charting the changes in character 's lives as years pass .
8 The subjects to be covered were diverse , scanning a period of over a century , but they could be arranged in an approximately chronological order .
9 The cornerstone of over a century of Russian diplomacy was laid with the signing of a formal alliance with Austria in 1726 .
10 The poor girl had gone off to her camp before she had formulated any hypotheses ; she had no idea as to what theory or concepts her work was to throw new light on , and so , to be on the safe side , she had recorded everything she could think of over a period of about six weeks and her notebooks practically filled a medium-sized suitcase .
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