Example sentences of "of people to [be] " in BNC.

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1 The small private bars not only created intimate areas within a pub for small groups of people , but also enabled a wide variety of people to be served in the same building .
2 The niceties of these social distinctions were not lost on the pub designer of the period , as they boosted pub taking by enabling such a wide range of people to be served in the same building .
3 Even more sharply , it is impossible for the majority of people to be other than black in South Africa as it became impossible to be other than Jewish for Jews in Nazi Germany .
4 ‘ I might tell you I persuaded her to cut down the list Buckmaster had drawn up of people to be informed .
5 Mr. Brown , who lives in Kingsley , is currently building up a network of people to be visited and anyone needing help , advice , comfort or encouragement can reach him at 16 School Fields .
6 You might expect Christians to be the last group of people to be involved in strong confrontations .
7 Selection and training of interviewers ( if necessary ) If there are large numbers of people to be interviewed , it will be necessary to select and train a team of people to act as assistant interviewers ( e.g. Jowell et al . ) .
8 Formerly the largest group of people to be housed by local authorities ( 64 per cent in 1975 ) came from these lists ; some of these people were council tenants hoping to move to better property .
9 Shared information is the foundation of participation in decisions , yet as the number of people to be co-ordinated rises , the number of potential communication links , be they by computer , telephone , paper or in person rises dramatically .
10 Will the Minister respond positively by stating that he will grant both applications to allow that small number of people to be retained in my constituency ?
11 He claimed that the KGB had information that " in certain hot spots " opposition groups were compiling " lists of people to be neutralized if necessary " .
12 So would a lot of people to be truthful
13 Both United and Darlington Transport Company say independent surveys carried out among passengers show 41pc of people to be opposed to using Crown Street as an alternative to Prebend Row .
14 And in the event of fire , it offers immediate and reliable information on the number and location of people to be evacuated .
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