Example sentences of "of which were [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Lower Ormeau Community Festival Committee organised a week long series of events , most of which were during the day .
2 The Duty Officer , elderly and paunchy , raised a lumpy face from a crime sheet , or a sports paper , both of which were on his desk , looked again , and stood up .
3 With two brand new kitchens on view ; ‘ Westminster ’ , which is available in three colourways — nearly-black anthracite , pearlised white and rich cream with a metallic lustre — as well as ‘ Chippenham ’ , providing limed oak luxury , Wilson & Glick now have 13 kitchens in their range , 7 of which were on show to the public .
4 They agreed to limit the whole to 23 acres , 13 of which were on his Lordship 's land , and offered 40 years ' purchase of the actual rent — an offer which ‘ we flatter ourselves will preclude the unpleasant necessity of having recourse to the decision of a jury ’ .
5 As well as promoting wheelchair basketball , John was enthusiastically encouraging others to take part in fencing , tennis , indoor carpet bowls , table tennis , and boccia , all of which were on offer on Saturday .
6 These arrangements of Bayezid II's seem to be among the earliest occurrences of , and may well have helped to set the pattern for , a number of joint muderrisliks and muftiliks which appear in the course of the sixteenth century , many of which were at a relatively high level in the hierarchy .
7 One from Bath records the restoration of a vandalized religious shrine by G. Severius Emeritus ; he probably controlled a wide area including perhaps the nearby port at Sea Mills , although the situation may be more complicated , since Bath lay close to an imperial estate , the headquarters of which were at Combe Down just outside the town .
8 All the 1957 Act had done was to create certain criminal offences , none of which were of any direct assistance to the taxpayer because they were not themselves in direct conflict with the Finance Act 1964 .
9 We chose acupuncture points that had been used in most experiments with acupuncture analgesia , as well as in the two previous clinical studies , both of which were of electroacupuncture .
10 While it freed him from a form of dependency — his succession to the LDP leadership had been achieved with the faction 's support — it also meant that the future of his premiership would depend on the skill with which he was able to balance the party 's competing factions — including his own — all of which were of roughly equal strength .
11 A four-year training period was proposed , the first two years of which were to be spent at Bedford , where probationers could be prepared for the preliminary examination .
12 Thereafter he lived for society and gossip , projecting a ‘ History of his Times ’ , the materials of which were to be his long , delightfully observant letters to his favourite stepdaughter , Elizabeth Ord .
13 No details were released of selection procedures for this committee , members of which were to be represented in the Legco until 2003 .
14 The compromise plan involved a phased US withdrawal over a three-year period , the modalities of which were to be worked out by a special panel which would be chaired by the chief presidential aide , Franklin Drilon .
15 On Oct. 25 the Hungarian Defence Minister Lajos Für and his Austrian counterpart Werner Fasslabend signed a 15-point agreement on bilateral military co-operation , the details of which were to be worked out by chiefs of staff .
16 An agreement signed in Paris on Nov. 12 and worth several hundred million French francs ( the first F30,000,000 of which were to be spent in 1992 ) provided for French technical assistance to help Russia dismantle its nuclear weapons .
17 Although the Bill of Rights was important for enumerating various " Liberties of this Kingdom " ( Some of which were to be similarly expressed during the following century in the Bill of Rights of the United States Constitution ) , its essential purpose was to assert the position of Parliament in relation to the Crown .
18 In 1987 , 2.16 million summonses were issued under this Administrative Default Procedure , two thirds of which were for less than £500 — there were only 1.98 million in 1983 .
19 We located 5874 hospital records , 1217 of which were for demented patients aged 40 to 64 years at presentation ; 707 records were either lost or contained insufficient information to apply the diagnostic criteria .
20 They used cassette-recorders to circulate poems and songs , some of which were about current affairs , others political in the sense that they recounted events in which Zuwaya acquitted themselves well .
21 Duke of Gloucester 's run on the first mid-week North Wales Coast Express was hit by a number of problems none of which were as a result of problems with the locomotive .
22 all of which were under discussion from the spring of 1918 .
23 In detail , Russell proposed completely to disfranchise small boroughs of less than 2,000 inhabitants , most of which were under the influence of a particular local patron , and some of which , like Old Sarum , were green mounds or heaps of stone .
24 Twelve awards were made for programmes of research , all of which were under way by November 1983 .
25 The Senate voted narrowly to continue funding the controversial B-2 " Stealth " bomber project , 15 of which were under construction , allocating $4,600 million for the construction of two bombers during 1991 and for further research into the radar-evading aircraft .
26 In the following year there were 14 cables connecting North America to Europe , 12 of which were in operation .
27 He came from an ancient Corvedale family , branches of which were in the forefront of Shropshire life during the seventeenth century — Francis 's nephew was a Member for Wenlock in Charles I 's parliament .
28 For example , where in 1967 there were eight fully exempting awards for the profession as a whole , with one in building surveying , by 1978 there were sixty-one , five of which were in building surveying ; where in 1967 , 8639 candidates sat the Institution 's examinations in all divisions , in 1978 there were only 4991 .
29 and it was interesting to note a few groups apparently in their infancy , not all of which were in the larger authorities :
30 He had inherited four major outlets : in New York , Paris , London and Rome , all of which had come through the war intact , all of which were in prime locations , and all of which had suffered from neglect .
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