Example sentences of "of which [modal v] be " in BNC.

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1 The second most characteristic external feature of many barns is the pitching hole , a window-like opening , covered by a wooden shutter , several of which might be provided in the side and end walls in order to pitch corn or hay into the barn from a cart standing outside .
2 For example , the nine-member WEU ( perhaps with the other five European NATO members sitting as observers ) could decide on the operation of a European Reaction Force , at least part of which might be drawn from forces committed to NATO .
3 They also provide three-dimensional environments of enormous physical complexity , and hence contain numerous different niches , each of which might be exploited in many different ways , and in many different permutations .
4 The invitation should make it clear that a selection procedure is in progress and that all that is required are details , including prices and , if appropriate , samples of products for evaluation , the result of which might be an invitation to conduct trials .
5 An activity could be analysed into quite short sections , each of which might be described ( using traditional language ) as a ‘ lesson ’ , or for the learner , ‘ task ’ .
6 It is useful in recording progress in work programmes , e.g. trial and error ward management problems , one example of which might be organising patient allocation for total patient care and delegating responsibilities by senior student nurses .
7 where quantification is already evident in the accounts themselves ( an example of which might be a presentation rather than a measurement matter , such as an adaptation of the headings in the Act 's format requirements not covered by paragraph 3(3) of Schedule 4 ) , or (
8 The death of a sister might involve deep grief , part of which might be for the much earlier death of a small sister .
9 There are several waterfalls , any of which might be the site of their discovery .
10 The advantages of such a mechanism are clear , it is possible to manipulate the model and thus understand the outside world in the sense of predicting what will happen without the potential costs of attempting to manipulate the real world and allowing things to happen , some of which might be considered to be unfortunate .
11 In his earlier work Hare seemed to believe that there were alternative moral stances to the world , each of which might be equally rational , though we may quite properly condemn some of them from the perspective of the morality which we ourselves advocate .
12 It does n't matter whether a sign causes what it signifies , or is caused by it , or whether both are caused by something else ( like thunder and lightning , either of which might be a sign of the other and both of which are caused by an electrical discharge ) .
13 B.B.C. the House of Lords decided that a valuation court was not a court of law , the proceedings of which might be protected from outside influence by the law of contempt .
14 If being monitored for exposure to external penetrating radiation can be a marker of other exposures in the workplace , some of which might be hazardous , studies of the relation between men 's exposure to external radiation and leukaemia in their children could yield apparently inconsistent results .
15 This leaves around 1400km of post-collision convergence to be accounted for , much of which might be explained by a doubling of the thickness of the Tibetan crust during the past 50 Ma from a ‘ normal ’ value of 35 km to the present 70 km .
16 The North Leigh pavement ( pl.34 ) and the Oceanus pavement , from Verulamium ( pl.26 ) have , respectively , an arrangement of decorative borders , and a central square with fine figured work , both of which might be indicative of the craft of some of the mosaicists employed above .
17 If the Empire was to be welded into an economic unit , the parts of which would be interdependent economically because they were parts of the Empire , and if this unity was to stand in default or in anticipation of political unity , then what was necessary was Imperial free trade , a genuine Zollverein .
18 A classic case is the pressure brought to bear by the World Bank in agriculture in the 1970s in support of island projects , the efficiency of which would be ensured by hiving them off from executing ministries , and appointing expatriate ( mainly European ) managers to run them .
19 For Lewis , this was ‘ the personal heresy ’ , a vivid example of which would be the present biography , which seeks to shed light on a man 's work by researching into the recesses of his mind and the outward events of his life .
20 The next paragraph says that not only did Lord Young cut the published penalty clause for BAe from £650 million to £400 million as disclosed in the National Audit Office memorandum , but offered ‘ a private side-letter ’ waiving the penalty ‘ the text of which would be agreed with BAe in advance ’ .
21 Normally the financial goal was to reduce the existing debt , much of which would be due to building .
22 We were on our way to the river to photograph the landscape which , Lady Rutherford told us indignantly , would be ruined for ever if Mr Knightley allowed Mr Dinsdale and his industrialist friends to dig a quarry , part of which would be on common land .
23 Only the Maronites felt able to drink from the cup of French tutelage and even they quickly found that the chalice contained a special , colonial poison , the effects of which would be passed on to future generations ; for by adding such large areas of Muslim Syria to the new ‘ Lebanon ’ , the French ensured that the Christians ' precarious status as the largest religious community would — once the Muslim birthrate increased — be lost .
24 Many people there were expecting an Israeli attack on Jordan , the aims of which would be to force the Palestinians of the Occupied lands to remain in Jordan , and , in accordance with Israel 's notorious ‘ transfer plan ’ , accommodate the expected arrival in Israel of millions of immigrants from the Soviet Union .
25 He deduced that the name might formerly have been Craingeau , Graingeau or Gringaud , any one of which would be pronounced sufficiently like Cranko to become transformed .
26 The problem is exacerbated by the fact that consumers pay only about 15% of the world price , due to huge government subsidies , the reduction of which would be politically delicate .
27 I would be apportioned my six — half of which would be business — Joyce would set about her one hundred and sixty-six .
28 Later plans involved an additional expenditure of about £150 million to take the railway into Bank , about half of which would be met by the Canary Wharf developers ( see below ) .
29 Even if that factor exists , the outcome may be ‘ overdetermined ’ ; that is , produced by several pressures any one of which would be powerful on its own .
30 He said that bringing in internment would be a very serious step , the consequences of which would be difficult to predict .
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