Example sentences of "of and [noun] with " in BNC.

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1 Joseph McCarthy ( Rep. , Wisconsin ) , 1954 : condemned for his abuse of and non-cooperation with the subcommittee on privileges and elections during a 1952 investigation into his conduct .
2 This does not deny the importance of studying both human use of and interference with ( if the two are different ) physical systems , nor of investigating the role of nature in social systems : quite the contrary .
3 The British Crime Survey of 1983 , a research project carried out by the Home Office , is a recent example of how victim and self-report studies can be used to attempt to get round the problems of and deficiencies with the official criminal statistics .
4 During the years 1926 to 1935 , when , with her husband , she was a leading member of and exhibitor with the Seven and Five Society , her work was consistently praised for its idiosyncratic approach to light and colour , which can be seen to be her most important artistic legacy .
5 Securing the suppression of the foreign slave trade might be achieved in part in wartime by naval power but otherwise was mainly seen as requiring lobbying of and consultation with ministers , communicating with British diplomats and naval commanders for information and to provide stimulus to intervention in particular cases and pressing arguments upon foreign leaders , particularly during the Congress phase of European diplomacy in the years following the defeat of Napoleon .
6 He stresses also the white person 's fear of and fascination with the imagined sexual potency of the negro : ‘ For the majority of white men the Negro represents the sexual instinct ( in its raw state ) .
7 The key to an understanding of the farmers in the survey lay in the emphasis they gave to enjoyment of and satisfaction with their work .
8 Her knowledge of and friendship with the two women also enable her to describe what life was like from their point of view .
9 Thus , the Carlton book of puzzles will come by courtesy of and collaboration with Mensa , while its book on dinosaurs comes with the authority of the Natural History Museum .
10 He may legitimately expect from his field officer detailed knowledge of and familiarity with any discharger or any ‘ problems ’ .
11 • the attractiveness of and familiarity with electronic media among younger people
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