Example sentences of "of time for [noun] " in BNC.

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1 At Southend the worst of times for Oxford … but nothing and nobody is ever going to stop goals like these …
2 THESE are the best of times for Moody 's and Standard & Poor 's ( S&P ) , the two American companies that dominate the world business of rating government and corporate debt .
3 Colin French has already been convicted dozens of times for cruelty .
4 Having stopped a couple of times for refreshment , Fabia returned to her hotel around six o'clock , and realised that she had found Mariánské Láznë quite enchanting .
5 She took her time over it , waiting until she was sure no one wanted to use the bathroom , and going downstairs a couple of times for drinks and stories with Sylvia .
6 Historically , evolution has been a process of radiation , with a considerable amount of time for lines to have diverged having elapsed since the first mammals appeared ( Figure 2.1 ) .
7 And it is you know it seems to take up quite a bit of time for members of staff and we do as many as we can but sometimes we have to say sorry we we ca n't do any more this week .
8 Let them have fun ; there is plenty of time for responsibility when they are adult .
9 The programme for each of the training days contains formal talks , group practical work , and plenty of time for discussion .
10 There was plenty of time for questions .
11 Before we start the presentation I 'd mention there will be hard copies of the slides available , the video is for internal use only and there should be plenty of time for questions at the end .
12 ‘ I can hardly be expected to have a great deal of time for gardening , ’ she said , ‘ I am forced to pay out money for gardening help . ’
13 He had his two elder sons with him , he had quite a lot of time for enjoyment , certainly to start with , he went hunting round Woodstock quite often , and they played tennis , The erm Racquet Sport , and I think they played tennis in The Racquet Sport , I 'm not absolutely certain , was actually just erm facing onto Blue Boar Street , erm behind the Unicorn Inn .
14 An interesting adaption of our 10 day holiday to Alsopahok in Hungary occurs when we make an overnight stay in the Vienna Woods area , thereby giving you plenty of time for sightseeing in Vienna itself .
15 I should have guessed because you do n't have a lot of time for girls , do you ? ’
16 ( Lots of time for girls later on … )
17 I have n't a lot of time for Rodney but I really do feel sorry for Eleanor , ’ Melissa went on thoughtfully , remembering the afternoon 's encounter .
18 The limitation of time for suit was increased from one to two years .
19 If you know from experience that you are the over-anxious type you must take yourself firmly in hand and allot a fixed ration of time for revision , the rest of the day being spent in healthy exercise .
20 It was not as I had expected at all because living in the kind of commune that Mary Finnigan 's house was , there was n't a lot of time for romance .
21 The world stockmarket hiccup of October 1987 pulled people up sharp and the malaise of the six years which followed gave plenty of time for reflection .
22 Last year she had a lovely crop from her plot , which measures about 2ft by 3ft ; this year she dug it over in plenty of time for May 4 , the day on which she sows on the basis of an old saying : ‘ the 4th of May is kidney bean day ’ .
23 There 's plenty of time for fun yet . ’
24 Certainly the Secretary of State has indicated that , so there 's going to be quite a lot of time for legislation and , and more importantly , time for discussion about the correct legislation .
25 An extension of time for compliance with the order may be required to be given at the time of endorsing the penal notice .
26 She also had a lot of time for Prince Charles .
27 ‘ I did n't have a mouthful this morning , I was so afraid of not getting myself ready in plenty of time for Rainbow . ’
28 He thinks it is a waste of time for foreigners to try to help change things in Central America .
29 ‘ Plenty of time for practice . ’
30 It was alright at Euston Station on the way up because we had plenty of time for loading — but — on the return journey we could see the train approaching while still careering through the country lanes on our coach .
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