Example sentences of "of time that [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Erm I 've heard it said lots of times that whatever else er you know gets forgotten , we , we will remembered for the maternity bill , it was an awful lot of work .
2 For example the number of times that one or other proton has a and the other then has A would be a number that I shall call unc Numbers unc are similarly defined .
3 Bulb-life is also related to the number of times that they are switched on and off .
4 Also , the z-axis is invariant under the flow , so any periodic orbits in the system can be partially described by an integer n specifying the number of times that they wind around the z-axis .
5 Pictures are taken at several ( eight ) different exposure levels and each point is weighted according to the number of times that it is seen .
6 He started wearing women 's clothes , he started putting on make-up and on the last couple of times that I saw him he was pretty strange .
7 Shaun confessed to me loads of times that he wanted to leave the band because it was n't a good living and he did n't enjoy it that much .
8 I mean there 's been a couple of times that he 's really lost his temper with her and erm and , and really flown off the handle , badly .
9 Well if you sort of leave him out of a conversation , he goes a bit funny , he storms off , I think I had noticed a couple of times that he has , and you see what happens is he sits there
10 Such was the improvement in turbo cars in such a short space of time that they were soon capable of producing anything up to 1300 b.h.p .
11 The greater the length of time that they have had to consider the full implications of what was proposed at Maastricht , the stronger have been their reservations .
12 the amount of time that they 're the stove .
13 I did n't know at that time what the content of the exhibition was because Sarah who organised it all had to write to lots of people and arrange the loans and you know it is fairly recently that we discovered for example the tate would lend , their pictures because its very rare that they do , erm , and , so we thought the next best thing , when I discovered the change of dates would be to have slides of the pictures that Sue was using , but erm oh dear then wonderful that Sue was using a another book and this term allocated and I was n't able to get the slides she picked , it was my fault that they 're not on slide due to the amount of time that we had to do this .
14 I lived with my husband for er , three and a half years , and I knew him for a good number of years before then , so we made a joint decision after that period of time that we were , wanted to commit ourselves
15 I accept that , and I admit that there have been occasions when I and other hon. Members have blackmailed various organisations , including British Rail , with the amount of time that we would take in the House unless they did something to improve the position of our constituents .
16 So those are all if you like the background , the things that do change but the fundamentals that stay the same are the design and the delivery and although we 'll look a little bit although we 've er I have to say with the numbers we 've got here today it will only be a little bit about things like question and visual aids and because of the time factor if you think about it if we 've twelve people to make four presentations or we 've eight people to make four presentations time is a little bit different and with with twelve we do n't perhaps have the luxury of time that we would with eight people which is what the course was originally designed for .
17 And you do n't have to improve that by much , that 's what I 'm saying , you know , cutting down on your lunch time , do n't do it , but er , and I take the point that you , you made Jenny which is an excellent one , that here we are , we 've got this great swath of companies that , this great swath of companies , and the amount of time that we can actually spend er , doing cold calls or other things that we 'd like to do , er , is governed by something else .
18 Now , you 'll notice the numbers in the brackets are some indication of the amount of time that we spent , the relative amount of time that we 've spent on the subjects .
19 Now , you 'll notice the numbers in the brackets are some indication of the amount of time that we spent , the relative amount of time that we 've spent on the subjects .
20 In the very short space of time that we have available this afternoon there are three subjects that I need simply to bring to the attention of Synod .
21 As part of the deal with AA , he was required to stay with the firm for the same period of time that he had spent in the US .
22 Nurse prescribing will save the waste of time that he has described when district nurses have to go backwards and forwards to doctors , and will allow them to give their time to more beneficial activities , rather than wasting petrol on such journeys .
23 And thirdly we have to satisfy you that in the circumstances of the operation the police were justified in restraining Mr with handcuffs for the short period of time that he was restrained and in addition Mrs who you will remember was restrained in her lounge , she was told she could n't leave the lounge , again for a few minutes .
24 Well , the thing I mainly notice when last week when Paul was home , not last week , the week before last I had Paul solidly at home , he moved himself entirely in lock , stock and barrel at the weekend , he was then with me waiting for his job and he went out every day and did little bit 's of shopping for me , got him from under my feet , saved me money , cos I was only buying what I absolutely needed , and the amount of time that I had , I mean I was able to go out for the whole day with Peggy on Wednesday , I was able to get food prepared and , admittedly I did n't manage to get as much done as I thought I was going to do , but then I think that 's with most people in life ,
25 Right I 'll be for the rest of the tutorial really , erm find yourselves something to do , I just really want to follow up er the little amount of time that I spent with second years er looking at their action plans .
26 The amount by which the latter is over-length is the length of time that you should allow the source recording to run before you begin the transfer onto the cued tape ; the music will then end exactly on cue .
27 As its name implies , this is based on your average earnings over the total period of time that you are participating in the scheme .
28 A pair of good cotton gloves make working with chocolate that much easier as they increase the length of time that you can handle the chocolate before it melts .
29 How long , I mean , how , in terms of , in terms of time that you spend on urgent or important tasks , how long do you think an urgent task may take ?
30 There was a slight awkward pause and in the tiny fraction of time that it lasted Harriet experienced a stab of pique .
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