Example sentences of "of who [pers pn] be " in BNC.

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1 When adolescence hits us , feelings about ourselves are at their most intense , bound up so much with identity , a sense of who we are and who we might be .
2 ‘ My greatest hope is that we shall gain a deeper knowledge of who we are and how we are related to the Universe , and that this knowledge will further the evolutionary progression of our collective consciousness . ’
3 Elaine , a 16-year-old girl who has spent most of her life on the streets of Rio de Janeiro , in Brazil , puts it better : ‘ I dream of a better world , a world where children and adults are no longer abandoned , tortured and murdered because of who we are or what we do …
4 Regardless of who we are or what we may do in life all of us have an upper limit to the stress that our bodies can take .
5 We are interested in the relationship between studying a subject , and students ' sense of identity : the way in which the beliefs we hold about an academic discipline affect our sense of who we are .
6 ‘ We want to make sure that UK handling agents , Scottish hotels and in particular coach operators are aware of who we are and what we have to offer their clients . ’
7 As one sister put it , ‘ our office needed to be an expression of who we were ’ .
8 Erm yeah , we had a nodding acquaintance with quite a few of them , and I think they they were aware of who we were .
9 regardless of who they 're seen by , that 's hard data .
10 There are times when it might seem that this is a definition which can produce the sense of a self which is both amorphous and autonomous , of a doubtful self which also serves to cast doubt on the human world that lies beyond the subjective individual — a world which some writers are , and some are not , very cunning in , and which is inhabited by people with a working knowledge of who they are and what they are doing .
11 Blindness can strike anyone at any time , regardless of who they are or where they live .
12 It is interesting to note that , even when the person concerned has changed age , appearance and even sex , the patient undergoing the regression is none the less perfectly aware of who they are .
13 Certain organizations have the power to object to the grant of an O licence and it is important for the haulier seeking a licence to be aware of who they are :
14 Huntley , a burly 51-yearold , has created a constant reminder of who they are and what they want in the form of glossy profiles , complete with pictures , inserted beneath a glass plate on the leather topped table in his office .
15 But by being ashamed of who they are , they 're making it harder for other people to accept them . ’
16 Says Jim Cummins : ‘ Kids who are proud of who they are and who have no ambivalence about that have no problems in school ’ .
17 Children are not only encouraged to be proud of who they are , but to discuss any differences . ’
18 ‘ When you travel round the world , and being brought up in a family like mine , you learn that what happens on the field is actually very important to people elsewhere , and you feel , perhaps not so much a sense of responsibility , as a sense of focus in which people identify nationally for the best kind of reasons , and are made aware of who they are and what they came from .
19 I think it would affect their marriages , their inter-personal relationships , their co-habitations , the way that they deal with people at work , their sense of who they are in the world and how far they can go in the world , and I think that 's what makes the problem so serious because it has very , very long-reaching effects .
20 We 're dealing with fear , we 're dealing with a sense of vulnerability and impotence and how do you teach grown ups to deal with those issues , because a lot of them erm the for a lot of them these kinds of questions go to the very centre of who they are , their self image .
21 They 're sense of self is such that they do n't see that they have a self to assert , perhaps , or that they are not valid enough as a person , which obviously must stem erm from their early childhood experiences , and from the adults that surrounded them when they were growing and developing that sense of who they are .
22 But what do you mean by ‘ their sense of who they are is not valid enough ’ ?
23 Is it to avoid confusion with other films of the same name or is it to give hapless viewers an idea of who they were dating , or supposed to be dating , at the time ?
24 By studying the material on trustees in these enrolments for selected districts of Lincolnshire it is hoped to build up a picture of who they were , the ways in which they changed in the period of the study as well as any specific characteristics of the trustees of different denominations .
25 He also denied that his wife had given him any details of who she was supposed to be meeting at TVL at the time of the party .
26 Susie had been secretive partly because of who she was — a different woman might have confronted him openly — but partly because he had driven her to it .
27 Juliet sat on her bed , wondering how she could get hold of the tissue-typing results — if they 'd come — without anyone being aware of who she was .
28 All her life she had had a clear vision of who she was and where she was going .
29 Tomorrow , she assured herself , as she brushed her teeth , she would wake up with total recall of who she was and where she came from .
30 I can be certain of who I am , no matter what happens in the world around me . ’
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