Example sentences of "of their [noun pl] for " in BNC.

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1 In fact , there is no further mention of the chapel in the Minute Books of their Meetings for nearly three centuries , and much later they were to claim that they did not know about it until it was brought to their attention for the first time in 1846 .
2 Even more culpably , not all LEAs , it seems , informed social services or health authorities of the outcome of their procedures for statements .
3 The code of practice of the Association of Funeral Directors describes every step of their procedures for dealing with a dead body but constantly emphasizes the need to behave with respect , the need to act ‘ as if the next-of-kin were standing at their elbow , or act as they would if the deceased were a member of their own family ’ .
4 Pupils using early photographs as one of their sources for instance , may want to put the invention of photography onto their time-line , and this could be linked with experiments and science work on the behaviour of light .
5 In winter they earn next to nothing , few of them having in their youth learnt to knit and spin ; and if in summer they are able to go to harvest work , they must pay some person a shilling a week out of their earnings for looking after their children .
6 It gives you an impressive land-holding — and offers a way out of their problems for Boz and his people .
7 Ford have ordered a recall of their roofracks for the new Escort and Orion models following three incidents , one involving canoes .
8 Is he aware that , due to his culpable negligence in sitting for 19 months on regulations under the Social Security Act 1990 , which would have protected pensioners in the event of a company wind-up , thousands of pensioners now stand to lose most or all of their pensions for which they have contributed for up to 35 years ?
9 They are young and middle-aged men , many with wives and children in Turkey , who say they have suffered repeated imprisonments , police beatings and torture because of their sympathies for communist and Kurdish independence groups .
10 However , the three would-be collaborators for the grand tour each revived one of their ballets for three performances by the Ballet Club at City Hall , Cape Town , in July and August ; this was when Yvonne Blake danced the Scarlet Woman .
11 The workmen turned away after parents told them of their fears for the safety of local children .
12 In short , the phylogenetic basis of the id seems most definitely to be a set of basically egoistic and anti-social sexual and aggressive drives which cause all men to see each other as sexual rivals and which make sons desire the death of their fathers for possession of the mother and sisters .
13 They tend , as they have done for the past fifty years , to respond to the events of the day without projecting forward the effects of their policies for the necessary 18–24 months .
14 For years , libraries have met the demand of their customers for reference services , book loans and , more recently , loans of music recordings and even computer software .
15 Staying in tents in one of their villages for five days was a real cross-cultural experience .
16 They were deeply in love , and the strength of their feelings for one another , together with the great natural beauty of the ‘ green and woody ’ landscape which surrounded them , induced in Coleridge a depth of contentment he would rarely find again .
17 The restrictions of office life might have formed a permanent barrier to any expression of their feelings for each other , but their relationship had grown appreciably closer when they had both stayed for part of one summer at the home of a friend , Margaret Behrens , in Mentone — although even here Valerie Fletcher still called him " Mr Eliot " .
18 They spoke very little of their feelings for each other .
19 They deny that classes can be defined in terms of their functions for capitalism and instead stress the importance of the market situation of those in particular occupations .
20 He knew all the others by name , by the names of their families for generations past .
21 ‘ In a fairy story one of them would ride up to the avenue here on a white horse and say they 'd been wanting you as part of their lives for years , ’ Benny said .
22 The motley band stared in awe at the figure who would be in charge of their lives for the next three months .
23 European powers claimed monopoly rights over the trade of their colonies for centuries to come , though other Europeans defied these claims whenever possible , but nobody launched such world-wide claims as the Spanish and the Portuguese , and the Spanish claims became even more all-embracing when Philip II of Spain secured the crown of Portugal for himself in 1580 .
24 They were under increased ( local ) pressure to respond to the demands of their residents for welfare support .
25 BRAZIL teased and tantalised Holland 's irregulars in Rotterdam last night without feeling the need to reveal the full range of their talents for the benefit of prying eyes from Scotland and England .
26 ‘ Did anyone help you to get the cakes out of their containers for the judging ? ’
27 Mere speculation or is there an element of truth about one of their stories for once ? ? ? ?
28 They ‘ lost ’ one of their locos for 13 days .
29 He returned to England and became the leading supporter of Edward Baliol [ q.v. ] in Baliol 's attempt to secure the Scottish throne for himself and the restoration of their lands for the disinherited .
30 Perhaps , though , it was Pepper 's display which exposed some of their deficiencies for the impetus was created and maintained almost exclusively by the forwards , who dominated the lineout and drove magnificently .
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