Example sentences of "of his [noun] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 Taniguchi was adopted at eight and although his conscious mind has no memory of his past his unconscious mind keeps regurgitating unfortunate images of cruelty .
2 For the whole of his life my father was preoccupied by the duty he felt in some way to bear witness to his friend and his works .
3 I have never forgotten that near the end of his life my Father told me that in his loneliness Basil was the one of his five children who had given him most sympathy and understanding .
4 His misfortunes spurred Galt to write with renewed vigour and until near the end of his life his output was voluminous .
5 But at the end of his life his memory abandoned him and he died without having written the book .
6 For the last twenty years of his life his bronchitis made him take holidays on the French Riviera ; Frith says of these later years that he ‘ fell back upon books and art , nature , love and poetry ’ .
7 Within months of his marriage his wife , Florence , was leader of the women 's social services .
8 That on the morning of his return my husband would have two such … low sorts brought to him ? ’
9 Armanjani reported to me that at the height of his powers our man sometimes accompanied a two hour programme of film trailers spliced together .
10 We knew that because of his inexperience his reading of the game was not his strongest asset .
11 Yet it must be stressed that in the eyes of Frederick and most of his contemporaries his rule was never a crude despotism .
12 A daze of bliss engulfed her , and as her hand encountered the back of his head her fingers fondled the hair at the nape .
13 But he goes on , he goes on and the body of his evidence my Lord is to speculate as to what he would have done and what Mr should have done in the circumstances of this er case and reference is made to the professional conduct guide in paragraph three two .
14 On the day of his birth his father founded the pioneer engineering firm of Letson & Burpee , which Harry later inherited and developed into one of the largest in western Canada .
15 ‘ It seems like a good time to — ’ At the cynical lift of his eyebrows her voice trailed off .
16 When he carne back from what was to be his last visit to the city of his youth his high temperature had worsened and he was advised to rest by the club doctor .
17 ‘ He 's proved that he is capable of scoring goals and although he can improve on the defensive side of his game his passing skills are a tremendous asset . ’
18 He began to kiss her , and at the touch of his mouth her own responded , grew soft and yielding ; she felt her breasts prick and grow sharp , her limbs tremble ; through it all she heard him speak , against her .
19 Held , dismissing the appeal , that although an adult patient was entitled to refuse consent to treatment irrespective of the wisdom of his decision , for such a refusal to be effective his doctors had to be satisfied that at the time of his refusal his capacity to decide had not been diminished by illness or medication or by false assumptions or misinformation , that his will had not been overborne by another 's influence and that his decision had been directed to the situation in which it had become relevant ; that where a patient 's refusal was not effective the doctors were free to treat him in accordance with their clinical judgment of his best interests ; that in all the circumstances , including T. 's mental and physical state when she signed the form , the pressure exerted on her by her mother and the misleading response to her inquiry as to alternative treatment , her refusal was not effective and the doctors were justified in treating her on the principle of necessity ; and that , accordingly , the judge 's order had been properly made ( post , pp. 786G–H , 795B–F , 796F–H , 797B–F , 798A–B , E–G , 799B–G , H — 800B , E–G , 803C–D , F — 804B , F–G , H — 805B , F ) .
20 A sigh escaped her , and as she gave herself up to the pleasure of his embrace her arm rose to entwine about his neck .
21 If he would pay five pounds out of his savings his dad would find another five .
22 At the height of his career his whole estate , including his patrimony , was probably worth rather more than £1,300 a year .
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