Example sentences of "of they [vb past] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 One of them died soon afterwards ; and the other one — I saw it myself-was so bad and its head so swollen up with the stings that it had to be supported in its stable by a kind of sling fixed to the roof . ’
2 Many of them died triumphantly .
3 One of them died almost immediately ; its little body was dressed in a clean nightdress and linen cap and its arms were folded on its breast ; then it was taken at night to be buried .
4 Unfortunately , a couple of them died recently .
5 As they came , many of them spat repeatedly , leaving behind them a trail of crimson , betel-stained saliva on the burning concrete of the wharf .
6 This depends on such a multitude of variables ( all of them tested empirically ) that it warrants a book on its own .
7 But the ranks and clusters of them stretched uncountably into the darkness .
8 Neither of them slept particularly well that night .
9 The two of them slept deeply , unaware of the camera that had watched their silent lovemaking , the camera that was so small it could be hidden in the face of the heating control on the wall by the window .
10 Eventually , as the night air became too icy , the last of them filed inside , leaving Mark and me to our more frugal but more spacious bivouac on the terrace .
11 But none of them moved , and none of them looked away .
12 None of them looked particularly cheerful .
13 Most of them looked forward to an administrative career in the service of a lord , whether pope , king , bishop or earl .
14 Hannele pulled back , and both of them looked downwards .
15 Some of them looked only half-made .
16 Oh , some of them got quite rich .
17 ‘ Four of them got together over a couple of decanters of port and I listened to what I could .
18 All of them got highly commended did n't they ?
19 The two of them ate well , but Charlotte could not face the meal .
20 The pups slithered out onto the weedy boulders , not forty feet from the cottage window , and waited expectantly until she reappeared carrying a sizeable fish , which the two of them ate together , wrestling over it among the sea-tangle .
21 For example , over half of the participants ( 56 per cent ) did not know how many beers they could drink before reaching the legal limit for driving and well over two-thirds of them knew neither how long it took for alcohol to be burned up by the body ( 71 per cent ) nor what , if anything , was an effective way of sobering up ( 71 per cent ) .
22 Each of the four was an experienced police frogman , and each of them knew exactly what he was looking for — knew indeed the exact dimensions of the object and the positioning of the three great ruby eyes once set into it .
23 ‘ She does n't get out much ’ , a phrase that Shirley had learned to use of her mother to forestall enquiry , impertinence , sympathy : a middle-aged phrase that she heard in her own voice as parody — indeed , she had noticed that when ‘ the family ’ gathered together all of them spoke in parodies of clichés , and some of them knew quite well that they were doing it .
24 They were going out into the world though none of them knew quite where until it was announced in public at their Commissioning Service it , the Albert Hall .
25 They argued ferociously about Ireland , although neither of them knew too much about it .
26 Ninety five per cent of those patients who developed adenocarcinoma in CLO smoked and half of them drank more than 40 units of alcohol per week representing a subgroup of patients with metaplastic CLO at increased risk .
27 Twenty or thirty of them swayed past in dignified convoy , followed by the farmer and a matted dog of uncertain ancestry .
28 ‘ It was so horrifying that one just went numb , ’ one of them said later .
29 Neither of them said much on the way .
30 All three of them stared silently at the walls .
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