Example sentences of "of they [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 There had been rioting down by the docks , some said , but no one knew exactly where ; and Mrs Norris swore they were throwing the dead into mass graves , and half of them good Catholics without the last rites .
2 This approach recognises continuing activities as part of the School Development Plan , but forces justification of them each year .
3 This charity does magnificent work for children , caring for over 11,000 of them each year ; today they run 200 projects , about which I have written in previous diaries .
4 Some district council 's elect all their councillors once every four years — others elect a third of them each year with a year off while the county council elections are held .
5 But the new game she had invented of punishing one or both of them each time they were beastly to her made her life more or less bearable .
6 It 's like I 'm real light — you know , like one of them silver balloons — and every step I have to be careful not to float off .
7 A regular icosahedron : a solid having 20 plane faces , all of them equilateral triangles .
8 Cos it 's got all the them extra wo got all of them extra ones in .
9 Erm the inter-club show erm we had to pay judges er two of them thirty pound , we would normally have got Keith for nothing , I know that we had two judges so we had to pay them er we did like so that 's two fifty pounds and we bought some we had some old trophies which we were able to buy plates for to use for that event .
10 Well when and he was n't on he was n't on , but he he at the towards the end they gave the three of them thirty seconds to describe the go , you know , the qualities of of the
11 A festival held to revive the art attracted hundreds of people , many of them complete novices .
12 I used to go back home via the local Underground and I 'd take six of our Irish doormen with me , all of them six foot three , and they 'd take the rollers from the roller towels in the Gents and they 'd stand around me , and we would go out in a ‘ flying wedge ’ .
13 A 25-year-old man who raped three women , one of them six months pregnant , has been jailed for 12 years .
14 The prison 's 1,300 inmates — many of them political detainees — were reported to have been released .
15 I am sure that hon. Members have talked to constituents , many of them young women with children , who say bitterly that they feel trapped in their environment and dare not go out at night , even to have a cup of tea with a friend .
16 But a lot of them young kids of twelve year old , twelve to thirteen
17 ‘ One of them young teds , I ‘ spect . ’
18 Seven people , most of them young people and all from the Protestant community , were murdered , and murdered for exercising one of the most fundamental rights of all — the right to work .
19 And one of them best lads of the yard used to go up there and meet the year meet them .
20 Macdonell 's description of a village cricket match against a team of authors , most of them recognizable characters in Squire 's own team , ‘ The Invalids ’ , became required reading .
21 In front of them lay marshlands .
22 Controversy surrounding summit Prior to the summit , governments and NGOs of varying persuasions traded accusations , many of them familiar rehearsals of long-standing differences .
23 In ‘ package transactions ’ , trust banks each buy , say , 100,000 shares of the same 20 stocks — all of them key components of the Nikkei share average .
24 In order to make sense of them inferential skills may be needed , as well as an understanding of certain principles not unlike the minimal distance principle that operates for pronominal reference .
25 He 's one of them educated bastards who would n't know his arse from his elbow on a Friday night in the Bigg Market …
26 HDS declined to specify its installed X-terminal base , saying it had 200,000 units in the field , most of them serial terminals .
27 The restoration is taking place in public , so you can actually see the volunteer restorers , some of them ex-Vickers employees , in action .
28 One or two of the men greeted Kalchu with nods and comments and several of them expressed surprise that I was coming with them .
29 Nearly all of them expressed unhappiness or discontent , particularly teenager Anne , who was threatening to leave home .
30 Many of them expressed appreciation of local cathedral organists and parish musicians who provide a lead and incentive to others .
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