Example sentences of "of thing [pron] [is] " in BNC.

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1 Professor Mark Roberts , speaking from the centre of the critical consensus , declared : ‘ It does n't issue from an understanding of reality which is not to be denied , it is not moulded by some controlling vision of things which is at the same time its raison d'être . ’
2 It should be clear by this time that if there is one critical statement entirely and absolutely wrong , it is the one quoted at the start of this chapter , about The Lord of the Rings not being ‘ moulded by some controlling vision of things which is at the same time its raison d'être' .
3 So however a big a mess you make of things however big a mess you make of things everything is usually retrievable .
4 On a couple of things there is a wah-wah pedal but then there 's also a very old flanger that has the sweep controlled by a pedal .
5 In this scheme of things there is obviously no place for the biographies and personalities of the producers of literary works .
6 It 's not worth dozens of things he 's done since .
7 So I think we ought to have a chat about the sort of things he 's putting you on , and then what side effects or anything you might get from those , but
8 Taking advantage of the disordered and uncertain state of things it is not surprising that some mineral " owners " felt they ought to have reward for the working of minerals on their land , and there is little doubt that legal issues could and did arise where such " illegal " mining was detected .
9 It do n't mean anything at all , but then nevertheless , I mean they always want somebody to do these sort of things it 's all , all for a purpose I suppose
10 There 's clearly a problem , any ward councillor who brings out t that sort of thing which is non non-trivial to this council er for the reasons he has it seems to me deserves er to be supported unless there 's a very strong case against it and I do n't worth considering and that 's what I shall vote.worth co you do n't .
11 And there 's , towards the end of the first chapter there 's a bit all about erm erm er temptation and deliver us from evil kind of thing which is obviously rather from the , from the Lord 's Prayer and yet it 's , rather explained rather nicely and it , it 's a lovely , lovely book !
12 Get it like that and that sort of thing which is gripping , it 's different , and it 's it 's it 's something people can relate to immediately as well .
13 He 's fuckin' weird , the sort of thing he 's into .
14 ‘ You know bloody well what sort of thing he 's likely to be referring to , Jim . ’
15 According to the hylemorphic theory of the scholastics , each individual thing or substance is a combination of ‘ matter ’ ( hyle ) and ‘ form ’ ( morphe ) , and it is because something has the form it has , that it is the kind of thing it is .
16 It 's the sort of thing it is easy to observe if you stand around in the garage during practice or generally stick around a team , watching who gets the first briefing , who is paying more attention to whom .
17 Something with which we could go to the customer and say , ‘ This is the sort of thing it is now possible to do .
18 Yeah but I mean that 's , that 's not the thing cos that 's not the sort of thing it is actually for though .
19 If you take a facial expression anyone of the seven dwarfs and you want to try and give a dramatic idea how to present that face or that attitude to do it just by standing there without curtains opening on you and all that sort of thing it 's quite diffi , it 's quite difficult !
20 and this kind of thing it 's getting er I just think I 'm going to end up more confused by trying to do it all at once than if I concentrate on one thing at a time .
21 ‘ Boring as hell , but still — if you 're interested in that kind of thing it 's all right I suppose . ’
22 Aye but well it 's the right size sort of thing it 's , but it 's er to double up with the picture you ca n't do it .
23 Oh she said it 's silly making him do that I said er very quickly I said , I said do n't get me wrong I said for kids who enjoy going to that sort of thing it 's great and fine if it 's alright
24 She showed us one , she had a Christmas tree and she had er star and tha that was the same kind of thing it 's sort of
25 You go for these people and ask for a board and this sort of thing it 's just , it just gets to be demeaning , the practice manager should have , should have
26 Certain types of groups only have one way of viewing problems as the right way to look at problems you don if any of you have been in the R C P , Revolutionary Communist Party , you might find that 's a fairly similar sort of thing there 's a party line and dimensions of what constitutes it .
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