Example sentences of "of [adj -er] [noun] have " in BNC.

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1 This reading of the effect of the " fabliau entelechy " on religious imagery can also be applied to what appears as a singularly stark , socially satirical statement in this tale , the concluding lines to the portrait of Alison : These could focus critically on the selfish pleasure-taking of lords with town " wenches " , whom yeomen of lower status have to wed .
2 For example the use of family therapy in helping to disentangle one or two cases of elder abuse have been described ( Quigley and Womphrey , 1988 ) .
3 Many trade union studies units in colleges of further education have now closed ; trade union tutors from colleges , extra-mural departments and the WEA are now spending all or part of their time in organising and teaching courses for unemployed people and others .
4 In turn , the shares of long bonds and of longer-dated notes have risen .
5 But numerous patronymics of later formation have lasted — Johnson , Jackson , Peterson , Lawson , FitzPayne — perhaps to a total of more than a hundred and fifty , and to this day there are useful studies to be carried out on the distribution patterns of such rarities as Mattimoe = relative of Matthew .
6 But at the same time , the economic arguments in favour of larger fields have continued to grow , and Sturrock and Cathie ( 1980 ) have calculated that an increase in field size from 10 to 20 hectares will give an 11 per cent increase in work rate with a 3-metre wide implement , and a 24 per cent increase with a 12-metre wide implement .
7 Scores of weaker titles have been closed and the survivors are all too often shadows of their former selves .
8 A number of smaller extensions have also been demolished .
9 In fact the screening rate of women in the excluded group has been low over the last 20 years — some 50–80 per cent of older women have never had a smear .
10 In the case of a second or subsequent baby , not only is the same amount of care necessary , but the needs of older children have to be dealt with too .
11 Most of the games of older children have some structure , and there is usually a scramble to be the ‘ good guy ’ .
12 Groups of older people have the potential to develop as the vehicle for the counselling of older people by older people , offering mutual emotional support for group members in times of stress .
13 I have had two experiences in which the mental health problems of older people have been successfully treated by a homeopath .
14 Many social surveys of older people have focused upon issues concerning social contact and social isolation because of the potency of this image of isolation .
15 The health maintaining and promoting activities of older people have been neglected , although their importance has been recognized by WHO when it stated that ‘ …
16 The growth of retirement and , more recently , early retirement has ensured that an increasing proportion of older people have been excluded from the labour force over the course of this century .
17 Several universities and institutions of higher education have departments of local history in which the subject may be studied to the end of achieving a recognised qualification , and hence have well-stocked reference libraries .
18 Many of the colleges and institutes of higher education have established broad-based curricula in the arts , social sciences and to a lesser extent natural sciences .
19 They show that institutions of higher education have the capacity to go on developing as self-critical corporations .
20 Within liberal thought , institutions of higher education have long been held to offer an independent source of critical commentary on society .
21 Since reorganization , however , as we have seen , many of the new colleges of higher education have turned to the CNAA for validation , a process that has not been without its stresses and strains .
22 In the few years since they have been in existence , the colleges of higher education have had little or no guidance , from the DES or anywhere else , as to the directions they might follow .
23 The fact that few staff from polytechnics and colleges of higher education have enrolled on these programmes raises the difficult question of how to meet their training needs , and this is one of the matters being discussed by the Further Education Teachers ' Sub-Committee of ACSET .
24 Changes in the structure of higher education have required professional institutions such as the CIOB to set up rigorous accreditation systems to verify the level and appropriateness of academic awards for which full exemption is sought .
25 e Traditional and non-traditional students and ‘ value added ’ — Many admissions tutors in institutions of higher education have traditionally used scores in Highers and A-levels as a principal means of rationing and allocating places .
26 Some lecturers at Edge College of Higher Education have also joined the action day and were picketing the college .
27 In organizational terms the consequences of greater accountability have been pronounced , bringing about changes in staffing , expertise , training and accommodation to respond to the demands made .
28 To date most stratification schemes have been based on exercise testing , Hotter recordings and coronary arteriography though a number of newer variables have been recently investigated .
29 The profusion of newer universities have taken to offering franchised versions of their courses at further education colleges , while breaking with the tradition that it was unbecoming for a university to do anything so crass as advertising its wares .
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