Example sentences of "of [Wh det] have [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The layout is very similar to that of Gournia , with narrow cobbled alleys weaving irregularly among blocks of houses , many of which had rather small chambers , cellars perhaps , on the ground floor .
2 The third , Sotoo Tatsumi , was the head of the Sumitomo Bank , a former branch manager of which had illegally procured third-party loans for stock speculators .
3 The flight from womanhood was linked with the flight from failure , the fear of which had practically been bred into me .
4 Because the endoscopical findings in RP often include serpiginous ulcerations , fissures , and ileitis proximal to the pouch , the syndrome has often been attributed to underlying Crohn 's disease , the diagnosis of which had presumably been ‘ missed ’ both clinically and pathologically up to and including the time of colectomy .
5 Perhaps the best examples of this mistake were the British National Coal Board , British Steel Corporation and British Leyland , all of which had strikingly similar histories : see Higgins and Clegg , 1988 . )
6 EC member states had committed bilateral assistance totalling ECU1,000 million to these three countries , one-third of which had reportedly already been paid out .
7 At a meeting on Jan. 6 the two leaders agreed to cancel the annual " Team Spirit " joint military exercises , the holding of which had frequently resulted in the suspension of dialogue by North Korea .
8 The remaining six telecommunications services companies , all of which had over £35m revenues , were not subdivided .
9 This book contains many descriptive data , most of which had either been previously published or confirm previous studies .
10 Scarlet could not now imagine how she had passed the week with the house next door empty and soulless : she tidied the kitchen in readiness for her friend 's return and sat down to read the local paper , two copies of which had just been delivered through the letterbox .
11 Some 40 countries or international banks were represented at the meeting , which was attended by an Israeli delegation and a joint Jordanian-Palestinian delegation led by Zein Mayassi , a " diaspora Palestinian " , but boycotted by Syria and Lebanon , both of which had also boycotted the May round of multilaterals .
12 It did not conceal his monstrous organ , the end of which had temporarily found lodgement in the eye socket of the defunct toddler .
13 The victims were not just the established railway enthusiast tour operators ( all but a handful of which had already been squeezed out ) but organisations such as the women 's institutes and working men 's clubs , whose annual train trips had been a tradition .
14 To be worthwhile , any such conference would have to be of sufficient weight so that it could have a decisive effect on the ‘ official ’ international conferences — several of which had already taken place with the express purpose of reviewing the treaty , but which had succeeded in producing only confusion and bitterness .
15 We still grow some of the varieties listed a hundred years ago many of which had already been improved by the 1890s , some favourites like ‘ White Lisbon ’ spring onions and ‘ Scarlet Globe ’ and ‘ French Breakfast ’ radishes were also established .
16 Science was no longer a programme ; it was a great body of knowledge , parts of which had already shown themselves to be power .
17 The United States announced in April 1989 that it was concerned about the Soviet Union 's decision to sell Libya up to 15 supersonic Sukhoi Su-24D bombers , with a range of over 1,200 km , six of which had already been delivered to an air base in eastern Libya .
18 In December West Germany offered to contribute DM1,000 million towards the cost of 17 environmental projects ( six of which had already been agreed in July 1989 ) and to find jobs for 65,000 workers in seriously polluting factories which had to be shut down .
19 But that time must yet remain a few days ahead , while everywhere lay in the throes of a natural disaster — the nature of which had yet to be determined — and while the snow still fell as thickly as it did .
20 The main points were ( i ) a tax of 0.3 per cent on financial transactions ( ITMF ) , in force until 1994 , but not applying to wage cheques , pension payments and popular savings accounts ; ( ii ) to fight tax evasion an instruction to banks to report in specific cases and at the Finance Minister 's request all movements of individuals ' and companies ' accounts ; ( iii ) the simplification of the tax system with the elimination of three social contributions and their replacement by valued added tax ( VAT ) of between 7 and 10 per cent ; ( iv ) the elimination of taxes on manufactured products , fuel sales and additional income , and their replacement by a selective tax ( the rate of which had yet to be specified ) on cars , alcoholic drinks , fuels , electricity and telecommunications ; ( v ) the elimination of the separate collection of taxes by state and municipal governments and another by municipal government , so that all taxes ( except the ITMF ) would be collected by the federal government and shared with the states and municipalities , expected to produce a real increase in their revenues of 9 and 17 per cent respectively ; and ( vi ) a ban on the contracting of fresh debts by the Federal District , states and the municipalities until the year 2000 .
21 John was confident enough then to leave Flynn to it and to go off himself to look at the proposed routes of the Waterford & limerick and the Waterford & kilkenny lines , both of which had been authorized by Parliament last year but neither of which had yet gone to tender .
22 For some years , the Purnells had been using the River Frome , the lower stretch of which had previously been dredged and cleared by Richard Owen Cambridge of Whitminster , to move coal and iron to and from the Severn to their mills at Framilode and Fromebridge .
23 These included an ageing Soviet-supplied 8-megawatt plant ; a 50-megawatt and a 200-megawatt plant , both of which were still under construction ; and a 5-megawatt natural uranium experimental facility , the existence of which had previously been unknown internationally .
24 When Piri Pasa put the idea to Selim , however , the latter refused , taking the view that it would be wrong to interfere in the affairs of the two cities , which enjoyed a special standing in the Islamic world and the governing of which had always been in the hands of descendents of the Prophet .
25 A more plausible alternative was the renovation of existing buildings , some of which had originally been solid structures .
26 That it did not do so may in part be due to the late H.H. Mayberry , from Marshall County , Tennessee , who in the early 1880s paid a stranger from Nova Scotia $36 ( about $800 in today 's money ) for four of the goats on the strength of their ‘ strange fits or fainting spells , the like of which had never been seen before ’ .
27 Secondly , the Congress adopted a resolution initiating the First Five Year Plan ( FFYP ) of industrialisation and collectivisation of agriculture , both of which had long been advocated by the opposition .
28 There was Ron ‘ Rescue Dog ’ Hitchens , with his three Rottweilers , one of which had recently eaten a Scotch terrier .
29 He was content to give himself up to the occasion , similar to others he had described in his own books but none of which had ever seemed to possess the colour , the noise , the smell , the sheer vibrancy that was before him now .
30 The top ranked places , all of which had more than 40 per cent retired in their populations , were Grange-over-Sands ( Lancashire ) , Sidmouth , Budleigh Salterton and Seaton ( Devon ) , Bexhill ( Sussex ) , Southwold ( Suffolk ) and Frinton and Walton ( Essex ) .
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