Example sentences of "of [det] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The enzyme activity of each modified cell line was assayed and the results used to calculate the expected enzyme activity resulting from the various combinations of mutations in vivo .
2 The amount of each extraordinary item should be shown individually either on the face of the profit and loss account or in the notes .
3 Explain the nature of each extraordinary item .
4 The amount of each extraordinary item should be shown individually either on the face of the profit and loss account or in the notes .
5 Explain the nature of each extraordinary item .
6 Where the outcome of each long-term contract can be assessed with reasonable certainty before its conclusion the attributable profit is recognised in the profit and loss account as the difference between the reported turnover and related costs for that contract .
7 She knew all too well he meant nothing by it , that he probably had n't even noticed he was doing it , but she still found herself hoarding the memory of each insignificant caress as a miser would hoard gold .
8 The competitor information includes , for example , trend analysis on the cost levels , profit and earnings per share of each perceived competitor .
9 Thus it can be seen that there is a clear relationship between the depth of each habitable room which is confined to the width of a church 's nave arcade bay and the usable area of the related existing window in the side wall .
10 operates as part of the law of each ratifying State , so that the courts of each such State take judicial notice of it and is established by legal argument , not by the expensive and time-consuming process of adducing expert evidence , often from a different jurisdiction ;
11 Put as simply as possible the hypothesis is : — From the start of life up to a certain time which is designated the Dawn of Civilisation , ‘ goodness ’ was being created from one source only , that source being the endless stream of infinitely small but favourable evolutionary changes or events , producing an infinite number of minute units of what , by virtue of its favourable nature , has been termed ‘ goodness ’ , the outcome of each favourable event being regarded as one unit .
12 Thus , you should reduce the value of each future payment by the profit earned before it is payed .
13 They had to take many economic decisions in the course of each annual cycle , and according to their status and wealth they made different decisions from one another in various places and over the year .
14 This time the value of each transferred paper was 0.01 , and fourteen little sub-parcels worth from 53.31 down to 0.04 votes were distributed to fourteen continuing candidates .
15 b ) What is the area of each triangular end ?
16 Coupland reports ( 1984 : 60 ) : As percentages of the less-standard variants of each variable rise in the client 's speech ( as we move from occupation class I to V ) , so the percentages of these variants in Sue 's speech in conversation with these groups generally rise .
17 The inside of Jotan 's house was constructed on three levels — galleries off the main building which were buttressed by huge timbers — and the open ends of each living space overlooked the central hall , although the stairways which gave access to them were concealed .
18 He was among the founders of the Association of Cricket Statisticians in 1973 , playing a prominent role in their series of publications on the players of each first-class county and producing the A to Z of Cricket Records in 1976 : ‘ I had seen a book on the football records and persuaded the publisher to try a similar volume on cricket records — not only listing them by explaining them .
19 His mother noted the start and end times of each rocking session for every morning for one week .
20 The tegulae ( paraptera of some authors ) are a pair of small scale-like sclerites carried at the extreme base of the costa of each fore wing : they are rarely present in connection with the hind wings .
21 It is vitally important to know something of the individual richness and variety of each religious tradition before becoming subject to the generalisations of those engaged in comparative religion .
22 Also , make sure that you improvise variations on the fill-ins at the end of each two bar phrase .
23 The Modular Course has gone about this by asking members of the evaluation team to present an account of each major evaluation study and its results to MMRC and MCC , the two senior Course management committees .
24 All interested staff are thus exposed to the result of each major study , and get a chance to query or challenge on points which they do not immediately accept .
25 A useful starting point is the reference sections appearing at the end of each major entry in The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church already mentioned .
26 A detailed description of each technical scenario is contained in the FAOR publication , but certain points made by the project team are worth repeating here .
27 Most buildings have a door exactly in the centre of each long wall , and some have an annexe at one or both ends .
28 Ricky put a hand over Daisy 's , a large rough hand with callouses beneath the base of each long finger from endlessly holding a polo stick .
29 10 a ) How many small squares will fit in one row across the large square ? b ) How many rows will fit down the square ? c ) Therefore how many small squares will fit into the large square ? d ) What is the area of each small square ? e ) What is the area of the large square in mm2 ? f ) Now complete the sentence : 1 cm2 is made up of … mm2 .
30 b ) What is the volume of each small cube ?
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