Example sentences of "of [noun prp] make [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 For many infectious agents , hepatitis C virus ( HCV ) in particular , the specificity and extreme sensitivity of PCR makes it superior to standard serological tests in the determination of carrier state , and false-negative serological results have led to the suggestion that PCR should replace antibody testing for screening .
2 The vitriol , talent and critical edge of NME made it indisputably the thinking kid 's po paper , especially after its nearest rival Sounds nailed its colours to the laddishness mast in the shape of Oi ! and New Wave Of British Heavy Metal .
3 I am not sure why this quarter was called ‘ Chinese ’ except that perhaps its apartness from the regular secular and religious life of Salamanca made it seem like another country , and a far-off , exotic one at that .
4 This bias of Gregory makes it very difficult to assess the regularity of tax collection , but on one occasion the bishop of Tours does allow some insight into what appears to be the norm .
5 Their progress was fast , the ground had hardened after the rains while Sir James had unfurled the royal standard of Scotland to make it obvious to any others using the road to stand aside quickly and let them pass .
6 ‘ And Flower of Scotland makes me wilt . ’
7 Londoner Dave Parris scored it 116–113 to the challenger , the Dane Torben Hansen scored it 116–112 Eubank with Ray Francis of England making it 115–115 .
8 ‘ I am sure both the new DPA and the free zone will contribute greatly to the growth of the economy , and the strength of Dubai to make it a major industrial and shipping base and the most attractive business environment between the Far East and Europe . ’
9 Ice on the north coast of Spitsbergen made it impossible to pass Amsterdam Island , and so he made for Franz Josef Land , discovered only in 1873–4 , and partly mapped .
10 The Law Lords held that this publication was protected by qualified privilege : the Council had a duty to leap to the General 's defence , and the privilege was not lost by the fact of world-wide publication , because " a man who makes a statement on the floor of the House of Commons makes it to all the world … it was only plain justice to the General that the ambit of contradiction should be spread so wide as , if possible , to meet the false accusation wherever it went . "
11 It would be foolish to suppose that we can penetrate the causes of this striking movement with any precision ; but the example of John of Salisbury makes it abundantly clear that the love of travel , the fashion for wandering , played a major role .
12 Eataine 's control of the straits of Lothern makes it unique in Ulthuan because it straddles both the Inner and Outer Kingdoms .
13 Bearing eloquent witness to the strength of this strategy , NEC 's total computer sales in 1981 surpassed those of Hitachi to make it second only to Fujitsu among Japanese makers .
14 They forfeited only one game in their rousing win while sisters Jane Thomas and Gail Richards of Rhyl made it a family affair , beating Joanne Attwood and Lara Hill of Mold in three tough sets .
15 The reply of Jesus makes it clear that the time for fasting had not yet arrived .
16 The experience which Anderson gained while working directly for the newly independent governments of Africa made him uniquely well placed for his second career , in the field of development co-operation .
17 Thinking of Lee made him remember Uncle Walter 's medals that he still had in his pocket .
18 Steve Claridge of Witney made it from start to finish …
19 In a wonderful and mysterious way , when God 's grace touches a person 's life , the ordinary is irradiated with the glory of Christ making us ‘ grace-full ’ .
20 The gaekwar of Baroda made him diwan in 1873 but Naoroji left after thirteen unhappy months .
21 George Frank ( Textiles ) Ltd ( [ 1976 ] AC 443 ) the House of Lords made it clear that the Court of Appeal is bound by decisions of the House of Lords whatever its views as to the correctness of those decisions .
22 Yesterday , the EC observers in the conflict areas of Yugoslavia made it clear that they were not in favour of rapid diplomatic recognition of Croatia , which they say would wreck the prospects for negotiating a settlement of the war and increase the chance of hostilities spreading to other parts of the collapsed federation .
23 A teacher at the junior high school in the town of Kizu made them hold negative and positive terminals while he turned on an electric current .
24 The views of the lovely Derbyshire countryside from this gracious house are wonderful and its location in the tranquil and pretty hamlet of Blore makes it an ideal retreat for the discerning traveller .
25 The first carols were sung in the 13th century , and St Francis of Assisi made them popular .
26 ‘ You can scarcely conceive ’ , she wrote , ‘ how the jarring contrast between the sounds which are now for-ever ringing in my ears and the sweet sounds of Allfoxden makes me long for the country again . ’
27 The hearing was held in Dumbarton instead of Campbeltown to make it easier for relatives from England to attend .
28 At one time it was thought that this was because the dunnock was a recent cuckoo host , but Chaucer 's reference in The Parlement of Foules makes it clear that the dunnock was a popular cuckoo host as long ago as the 14th century .
29 Amongst the possible charges which legislators could face were fraud ( a fraud statute of the District of Columbia made it a felony for a person knowingly to write a cheque which exceeded the amount in the relevant account by more than $100 ) , tax evasion , and the violation of disclosure and campaign fund laws .
30 Likewise , our earlier analysis of the roots of Whiggery make it possible to appreciate why a Court Whig position developed after the Glorious Revolution ; there always existed such a potential for such a development , but it required the right political circumstances to enable it to come to fruition .
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