Example sentences of "of [noun prp] [to-vb] him " in BNC.

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1 Lemos resigned on March 25 , allegedly in indignation at the failure of Barco to defend him against opposition charges .
2 Mr. Ross also challenges the refusal by the board of Lautro to permit him , or Winchester to appeal against the intervention notice to the appeal tribunal constituted under Lautro 's rules .
3 His election on three separate occasions as MP for Middlesex in 1768–69 , and the repeated refusals of the House of Commons to admit him as a member , did much to stimulate in London the current of political radicalism which was later to run so strongly there .
4 Moral education in the Catholic School is intimately connected to Religious Education because fundamental to both is the personal call of Jesus to follow him as Lord and Saviour in the everyday events of life .
5 It was stupid of Lee to let him escape .
6 Yet , credit to Boswell , for all his lapses into near-hagiography , we get a sufficiently rounded picture of Johnson to survey him and to judge .
7 Sir Robert 's luck was not in on this occasion , however , for Milton had already promised the desired appointment to Cockburn of Clerkington to induce him to lead the opposition in East Lothian to Sir Hew Dalrymple of North Berwick , in order to secure the seat for Andrew Fletcher , younger of Saltoun .
8 Hanson was let out of Leyhill to give him a chance to get used to life outside prior to release .
9 At the end of April 1973 I went to see the King of Morocco to tell him about a plot to kill him .
10 He seems to have allowed his awareness of the different native languages of Britain to lead him into defining Oswald 's Anglo-British imperium in excessive terms .
11 August 1992 sees Tim setting off on a journey much nearer home and this time he 's inviting the wine-loving gourmets of Britain to join him .
12 in 1195 , when King Richard Coeur de Lion was at Chinon , no less than fifteen so-called Assassins were apprehended , and confessed that they had been sent by the King of France to kill him .
13 Ine did not allow the displeasure of Canterbury at his failure to agree to a partition of the diocese of Winchester to drive him into action on the matter , despite threats of excommunication .
14 one man who 's already in the money … thankfully … is Olympic rower Steve Redgrave from Buckinghamshire … he 's got a forty thousand pounds sponsorship deal with the Port of London to help him train for the next Olympics … solid gold …
15 Britain and France joined other western creditors 18 months ago in halting aid to President Daniel arap Moi of Kenya to force him to hold democratic elections .
16 Kewenig has persuaded the state of Berlin to give him DM 11 million ( nearly £3 million ) to ‘ establish some centres of excellence , and attract more first class researchers to Berlin ’ .
17 John McVurich , alledged diviner , being summond and not compared recommended him to the session of Kilarrow to processe him for the same .
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